Transgender teen named school prom queen
Transgender teen named school prom queen
Yahoo!7 June 1, 2011, 5:20 pmA transgender teen from Florida has got the surprise of her life after being named the prom queen at her school.
Andrew Viveros, 17, had to withstand bullying, taunts and even threats from her schoolmates for participating in the contest but decided to go ahead to prove a point.
“I wanted to run for prom queen in order to show other transgender teens it gets better,” Andrew was quoted as saying by news agencies.
Wearing an electric blue gown and her long brown hair in waves, Andrew made a picture perfect beauty pageant winner but says she could not believe it when her name was announced.
“They called my name and I was in total shock,” she said.
Andrew said some students campaigned against him but others praised her for the courage.“It’s a big stepping stone,” Viveros said. “People can see it’s finally okay to be who you are and do what you want no matter how different you are.”
“I’ve filed bullying reports over and over again with people. I’ve had many incidents. People would call me ‘faggot’. People would write on my locker, repeatedly,” she said, describing her life as a transgender.
A graduating senior at McFatter Technical High School in Florida, Andrew was born male but has publicly presented herself as female for the last two years.
She reportedly hopes to change her name to Andrea some time soon.
Miami Herald reports Andrew’s parents have been extremely supportive of her choices.
Before the big night, her father Oscar Viveros, bought her a gown, shoes and makeup.
“I’ve always loved him unconditionally. I’ve told my other kids, they have to support him. He thinks he’s a girl in a man’s body. In school, he hears this and that, but I’ve made sure in our house he’s free to act and do whatever makes him comfortable,” said Oscar, who still uses male pronouns when talking about Andrew.
Incidentally, McFatter seniors also chose Juan Macias, a 17-year-old gay male senior as the prom king.
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