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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Going out in public You won’t meet a great friend sitting at home watching Midsomer Murders and taking selfies…trust me

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/05/2017 at 7:04 am

    Stuff the neighbours Claire….there is probably all sorts of weird stuff going on over there anyway.

    Absolutely agree… said it was something we grew up in the old days, like ‘Your bustle is showing’. I liked bustles. I could keep the pipe and tobacco there. ;

  • Anonymous

    06/05/2017 at 10:56 am

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been following this topic with great interest and basically agree with all that has been said, but with the following differences.

    1/. And the most important of all 3 I shall cover is the rationale behind this topic is fine is you live alone and dont care what anyone thinks or have a “SO” who either does not care either or has a hide as thick as a rhino. But if as I do, you live in small town “Gossipville” going out can and at least in my case have a big impact on my partner and she just does not neither need or deserve that.

    2/. “getting caught out ” (a). Many moons ago as I walked back into the hotel I was staying at in Sydney a :”distant rellie” saw me and with a shocked expression on his face said, “you have not seen me”
    So clearly such a thing could happen to any of us with” repercussions back home”

    getting caught out 2b. Again some decades ago, I was the “ring leader” in a community campaign against a certain development proposal. In the middle of it, I attended a “long lunch” where close to the conclusion with business cards being handed out all around the table, this fella looked at me and said,
    “I know who you are, “X” has been digging around in your background trying to get dirt on you to get you off their backs” If they’d found out about Caty I’m sure it would not have been a very pleasant experience for me and my at that stage, young family.

    So by all means “get out and about” if that is your thing, but discretion is still necessary in other parts of CD land!

    Happy dressing


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