Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    20/03/2013 at 11:45 pm in reply to: Human Rights and Anti-discrimination bill committee stage

    an update from Get-up

    We’re writing with a quick update on the anti-discrimination bill you fought to strengthen, a bill that would have brought greater equality under the law to all Australians.

    Unfortunately, despite a large number of champions both within and outside of Parliament (including more than 34,000 GetUp member actions), many of the reforms have been shelved. With just a few weeks of Parliament remaining this year, new Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus says the laws need further work, and likely won’t be introduced before the election.

    But it isn’t all bad news. Just today an amendment to the Sex Discrimination Act that would include gender identity and sexual orientation was tabled – a reform GetUp members fought for this year, that now enjoys bi-partisan support. Hundreds of thousands of Australians will benefit. It means that for the first time, gay, lesbian, transgender and intersex Australians will be protected in law from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity, in the same way that our gender and race are currently protected.

    Anti-discrimination laws still need our support. There’s much more to do: we still won’t see an end to legally endorsed discrimination by religious groups, nor discrimination against victims of domestic violence, which disproportionately affects women.

  • Adrian

    20/03/2013 at 3:00 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal
    Which means by my estimates there won’t be very many Colonial Rooms left for sale in the Carrington Hotel.

    Just to correct a rumour that I’ve been hearing – there are still plenty of rooms available in the Carrington Hotel – including a reasonable supply of the popular Colonial Rooms.

    If you ring up reception and ask for a room you will be told the hotel is full.

    If you go to the reservation website and search for a room you will be told there are none available.

    That is because we (and the other event that weekend) have a block hold on the entire hotel!

    If you use the booking form you got with your TransFormal ticket and quote your ticket number to the hotel…
    suddenly you will find there are rooms available!!!!

    The only rooms the hotel cannot provide at the moment are the Premier Balcony rooms – because all 4 of them were rapidly booked out by people coming to TransFormal.

  • Adrian

    19/03/2013 at 10:58 am in reply to: Richard O’Brien: ‘I’m 70% man’

    I’m sure this story will trigger fond memories for those of us who dressed up to go to see the Rocky Horror stage show a few years back in Sydney

    Richard O’Brien’s coming out is something that I don’t think could have happened in the 1970’s or even in 2000. Because his story is not the transexual transformation beloved by documentaries, or the closet crossdressing popular in the Woman’s weekly magazines. Richard has come out with the statement he believes himself to be about 70% male and 30% female.

    I acknowledge his story is not going to resonate with everyone in TgR – but for me his experiences are real.

    (Richard) was ashamed about his own long-held desire to be more feminine
    I don’t want to pretend to be something that I’m not

    I expect the challenge to some could lie in what Richard says about the use of hormones.
    Here is someone who considers themselves, using the gender classification of the TgR survey, a MMMF.
    And hormones are often seen as being the preserve of the FFFF.
    But Richard provides a compelling case why personally the outcomes have been positive.

    It takes the edge off the masculine, testosterone-driven side of me and I like that very much. I think I’ve become a nicer person in some ways, slightly softer….

    Professor Dinesh Bhugra brings us down to earth in the article by asserting that the reality is that we are born male or female. (I’m guessing there are no intersex people in the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London!). He asserts that gender is very much a social construct whereas sex is biological and states:

    My guess would be that social notions of gender dictate how we behave

    I personally find it difficult to relate my gender which is neither male nor female to any social notions of gender. It might work if you feel you are a woman and so emulate the social expectations of what a women should do. But what exactly are the social notions for the behaviour of someone who is 50% male and 50% female?

    Then we come to James Barrett, lead clinician at the Charing Cross National Gender Identity Clinic. His attitudes worry me the most – because he is acting out the defined role as a gatekeeper. Though he acknowledges that

    “Most of his patients identify as a man or a woman, rather than somewhere in between.”

    He doesn’t question if this is a direct result of the barriers he places to treating anyone else.
    As he puts it:

    People who are seeking ….hormonal treatment because they wish to live in a socially ambiguous gender role… are thought about really carefully.

    I assume James is the one doing the careful thinking – because he identifies a problem that I don’t think actually exists

    The problem is… they have to fit in to a society that that thinks in terms of just two sexes.

    My observation is that those who want to change between the two accepted sexes have much bigger problems in society – but in that case it is OK to prescribe hormones… please explain!!!

    Anyhow, my congratulations to Richard. For daring to be proud about who he(?) really is, for not pretending to be something he is not, and for writing such an excellent musical!

  • Adrian

    11/03/2013 at 10:34 pm in reply to: Politics and Transformal
    . And of course most members attend to enjoy themselves not ‘work’.

    To put this in context I am humbled each year by the number of attendees who want to volunteer to help over the weekend in some way. The sight of an army of volunteers collapsing the lights and PA at midnight in formal gowns is one of my personal highlights of the event. It appears that many attendees are able to reconcile the need to have fun and get “value for money” with the call to personally put something back into the community.

    I hope this continues because without the help TransFormal would have to seriously scale back its size.

    And so if a budding journalist/reporter wants to write up events and can reconcile that with enjoying their weekend…let’s talk!!!!

    But no camera/recording – just good old fashioned journalism!

  • Adrian

    11/03/2013 at 6:52 am in reply to: Politics and Transformal
    Guilty as charged.

    You weren’t the only one tinged with a bit of guilt! So you don’t have to feel the weight of responsibility falls totally on your shoulders :-)

    If not a video feed of the discussion, then at least perhaps a transcript or info pages of what was discussed, for the Forum?

    Why not?

    All it needs is a volunteer to scribble things down.

    Anyone volunteering?
    Preferably someone who plans to be there !!!!

  • Adrian

    11/03/2013 at 4:51 am in reply to: Politics and Transformal
    Perhaps Amanda could arrange for a live video feed for those of us trapped at home??

    After the knee jerk reaction I got from a few about having a camera at TransFormal last year you can be sure that I won’t be setting up a live uncensored video feed for the armchair audience.

    Anyhow I think most of those who may entertain and inform us by being on the panel are unlikely to see themselves as budding media personalities. We can all have more fun if we know we aren’t being watched :-)

    BTW I know that some people have saved for the last year to be at TransFormal again… so its all a question of priorities – as are most things in life.

  • Adrian

    10/03/2013 at 11:52 pm in reply to: Politics and Transformal

    It appears that several members have become frustrated with the limitations of forums as a tool to form united action for change.

    Forums are great for sharing ideas, supporting each other and understanding diversity.
    BUT if you want action then there is little alternative to face-to-face meetings and workshops.

    This year Transformal will provide over 3 hours of opportunity to escape the virtual world of forums and email. This has the potential to effectively clarify our thoughts and focus our actions.

    The talk stops here….now is the time to do!

    In the TranFormal thread I will be shortly posting an invitation to those who would like the opportunity to take an active role in the workshops.

    But there is a general invitation to everyone to come and participate in whatever way you feel comfortable.
    Just listening to the discussions could transform your understanding of the issues we face.

    Writing about change will achieve little, come to Transformal and be part of it.

    For the cynics out there – this isn’t an attempt by a few to dictate an agenda.
    I have personally little drive for public action and fewer ideas.
    But access to a hotel and a body of gender diverse guests makes a compelling reason for me to facilitate such discussions.

    Opportunities like this are very rare in our community.
    I will be personally very disappointing if I provide the forum but everyone stays comfortably at home by their computers.

  • Adrian

    08/03/2013 at 11:07 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal

    I can announce the details of the first of many workshops being planned for TransFormal.
    Ophelia from Cross Dress with Class presents:

    Celebrate the fun of cross dressing by knowing what works and what doesn’t for your figure. Pride in your appearance is often the first step on a long journey of exciting nights out and days spent shopping for items to keep in that closet you no longer feel a need to hide within.

    When: Saturday Morning (two workshops)
    Cost: Free – included in Weekend and Value tickets

    Bookings for this workshop are essential and can be made at TransFormal Central during the weekend.

    • Adrian

      19/03/2013 at 9:09 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal

      Arrangements have been made for those looking for a professional makeup session prior to our main event on Sat evening….

      We have arranged two experienced make up artists to add that touch of glamour that will make your evening and photos truly memorable.

      Katie and Jo will be offering 40minute appointments from 2pm onwards – with the last appointment at 5:20.

      Cost $50 payable direct to the makeup artist.
      Full details on the web site.

      T-off Transformal An update from Caroline on Golf.

      For those not planning to pack a set of clubs along with the heels and dresses – you can hire a set at the course for $30.

      Experience not necessary – just a interest in having good fun!
      Reserve your place – a $15 deposit holds you a place.


    • Adrian

      11/03/2013 at 11:27 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal

      It gives me pleasure to be able to announce another exciuting new workshop for TransFormal.

      Based loosely on the highly aclaimed ABC TV series Q&A,
      T Q&A puts some of the best brains, hair styles and legs in our community together to thrash out the hot issues of being transgender.

      On T Q&A the audience gets to ask the questions. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you’re from – everyone can have a go and put their questions to our panel.

      Energetic, opinionated and possibly informative – T Q&A brings Australia’s egalitarian and larrikin spirit into the Grand Ballroom of the Carrington Hotel.

      The Workshop will start off our Saturday morning program – at 10am.
      And the best news – it is FREE for anyone holding a Weekend or value ticket.

      We are currently recruiting a diverse panel of volunteers – hopefully representing as wide a range of opinions as we can. If you would like to sit on the T Q&A panel please email Amanda to discuss.

  • Adrian

    05/03/2013 at 10:52 pm in reply to: a community of me
    I further perceive therefore that society’s attitudes need to change, rather than having more legislation. Politicians can’t legislate acceptance, so I see no point lobbying them for it.

    Personally, I think that the more we come-out to our family and friends, and the more we mix socially/publicly, then attitudes will change.

    I couldn’t agree more with you Chantelle. The TgR Survey pointed strongly to a lack of acceptance being the hurdle most people encounter in society. And, I have stated before in these forums, you can’t legislate acceptance.

    Acceptance follows from Visibility and then Understanding.

    Visibility means telling people about your diversity. I have yet to encounter anyone who reacts adversely to me telling them about the way I feel (though I haven’t plucked up the courage to tell my Mum yet!). Like Chloe has documented elsewhere, the common reactions range from indifference to positive support. I will be the first to acknowledge that visibility is not an option for everyone. But the arguments for not telling anyone because of the expected adverse reaction are I think frequently over-stated.

    Understanding means giving people a message they can relate to. We might be immersed in the finer points of our gender – but acceptance needs understanding of the big picture. What ever the message, be it “I’m a guy who likes wearing skirts”, “I’m transgender”, “I’m a very feminine guy”, “I feel essentially like a woman” – keep the message clear and founded on commonly held values in society. I’d avoid trying to single handedly demolish the norms and stereotypes of man and woman that most people’s understanding is founded on. Being visible with a simple message will lead to understanding both of you and of the diversity of our community.

    At the start of this thread Kristyana asserted:

    Most people seem disenfranchised and see little point in activism and seem fixated on their personal situation.

    The only part of this statement that I think is true is that we see little point in activism.
    I think most of us realise that activism is not a route to general acceptance in the public. And without acceptance all the laws in the land won’t change the attitudes of our partners, employers, or neighbors.

    Perhaps the visible and articulate community of “me” is something we should all try to embrace.

  • Adrian

    19/03/2013 at 10:55 pm in reply to: 2013 TransFormal
    Hi Amanda, I found the article on the Trannytix web site but couldn’t book through the link as it was not active. I was trying to book the last session at 5.30, I missed out last year for being too late and it looks like I’m too early this time.

    The link for makeup sessions was only supposed to pop up an email to Caroline. Just email Caroline on the email shown.

    But… given the text says

    Katie and Jo will be offering 40minute appointments from 2pm onwards – with the last appointment at 5:20

    I’m not quite sure how you got a 5:30 appointment….perhaps an old web site page???????

  • Adrian

    14/03/2013 at 10:14 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal

    What sort of person are you?

    Half the chairs at the tables are empty? :(
    Half the chairs at the tables are sold? :)

    Either way – at a comfortable capacity for the Grand Dining Room we have sold half the seats.

    Which means by my estimates there won’t be very many Colonial Rooms left for sale in the Carrington Hotel.

    So if your plan was to come to the formal and stay overnight in the hotel….maybe now is the time to buy your ticket?

    It’s only a suggestion! 💡

  • Adrian

    13/03/2013 at 12:44 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal

    A message for everyone who has bought a Weekend or value ticket to Transformal

    I have been asked how places on FREE workshops are allocated.

    Things are changing this year to make my life easier… :-)
    In past years I ran an on-line booking system for all the FREE events that opened in the final weeks leading up to the event.

    This year is different because I know that all those who are attending the workshops up to 2:30 on Saturday have bought weekend tickets.

    So I’m just going to use paper sign-up lists that will be available at the reception on Friday night and afterwards at Transformal Central. Also – because things are so busy on the provisional program I’m informally planning two parallel threads through Saturday – which means I’m asking several workshops to run twice. We have access to a big room – so I don’t anticipate anyone will be “left out”.

  • Adrian

    09/03/2013 at 8:06 am in reply to: 2013 TransFormal

    A piece of Transformal Trivia.

    One month into ticket sales and the graph below shows who is coming from where!


    Interesting to note that 17% of the tickets are NOT from the eastern seaboard – what a solid vote of confidence in the value of attending (as if you would ever doubt that!).

    Got your tickets yet?? :-)

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