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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat All about YOU Are you happy being a man or seriously wanting to be a woman

  • Anonymous

    11/11/2011 at 11:19 pm

    Hi Catherine,

    Thank you so much for your kind sentiments !

    Yes, I agree with your thoughts, …this year thus far has been a wonderful long awaited experience for me. A bit roller coasterish at times, but I have finally gained acceptance in my home life and have also made new friends who have welcomed my alter ego with open arms.

    Over the months I have often delved deep inside myself and have reflected over my life and begun to understand why things have been so complicated for me. Thank God for the internet ! Had I had accesss to forums such as TgR and The Crossdresser Club etc. 25 years ago my life now would have been a lot less complex and I would have quite possibly even taken HRT.
    Gosh, my voice might even have changed !!
    I would have loved someone to have investigated the molecular structure within my chromosomes, …perhaps their eyes would’ve popped, d’ya think !!

    Jannine. XX

  • Anonymous

    14/11/2011 at 1:58 am

    This has always been an easy one for me to answer, I’ve always wanted to be woman. Lots of things about my desire have always been a bit of a mystery to me though and I never realised the full extent of why I felt that way until quite recently.
    I wondered if it was just the allure of femine clothing and makeup or the fact that it was a little bit taboo and I was being a bit of a rebel, being a bit of a naughty boy. I now know that is is something way more special and deeper than any of that. When I first started my new life as a woman it was very much about dressing as sexy as I could. When I first started my new job I really hated the fact that I had to wear all of that horrible “construction” work wear. None of that matters much anymore, although I still love getting dressed up and going out on the town. The fact that most of the guys and girls out here treat me as a female no matter how I am dressed and recognize me for the work I do and the person I am rather than the way I am dressed.

  • Anonymous

    01/07/2012 at 7:18 am

    Due to my upbringing I don’t distinguish between male & female emotions or activities (excluding childbirth etc). I was raised with the understanding that we (humans) all experience the same emotions & are all capable of the same undertakings. That the differences between us are differences, one from another, not male from female. As a consequence, I don’t think of my wearing of clothing intended for females as crossdressing (in my mind). Nor do I think of myself as a woman. I suspect the only reason I think of myself as a man is simply because that’s what I have been told, rather than it being a deeply held conviction of mine. Personally, it’s of little consequence to me whether I am male or female, masculine or feminine, regardless of what I think I am or what others think I am, I am what I am, however it be described. In my case it’s often been described as androgynous.
    My father impressed many ‘deep’ views upon me, I remember him saying to me once when I was a ‘tortured’ teenager, “why are you trying so hard to be an individual? You don’t have a choice.” His point really, was not so much about my presentation but about accepting myself regardless.

    I don’t really know why I ‘dress’. It intrigues me & I research & read almost daily but for no other reason than that I am the type to research everything. I love investigating & learning.
    At the moment I have no inclination to alter my anatomy permanently but I do prefer the silhouette of a genetic female. Why is it so? I’ll let you know if I work it out.
    Am I crossdressing or seriously wanting to be a woman? Many people who view me think one or the other or both, I don’t actually think either. :)

  • Anonymous

    02/07/2012 at 7:42 am

    Wow! Some of us are really cool with ourselves. That’s awesome. I have only just recently decided to deal with myself subscribed to the label, genderqueer but there is really so little difference between the labels that it really doesn’t bare discussion IMO. I like ambigender personally, “Look Mum! See what I can do with my other side!” I find the guy so functional and the girl so fun.

    At this point in life I still feel a greater love for the girl but by no means do I consider myself a woman nor hold any notion of ever being able to be one even if I wanted to.

    I am a both a man and a girl. I say girl because she has not yet really had the rights of passage to make her grown. But even when she is old and grey, he will still be by her side.

    high fives all around, tgr

  • Anonymous

    12/09/2012 at 5:20 am

    I’m a woman. Full stop. That’s all there is to it. I’ve some friends who are CD, (or TV as one calls himself) and they’re very dear friends and two of the loveliest guys I’ve ever met. But I’ve never been TV or CD. I’ve always been female, even when I went through my androgynous phase. I knew at 7 who and what I was and it’s never left.

  • Anonymous

    12/09/2012 at 7:16 am
    I have only just recently decided to deal with myself subscribed to the label, genderqueer but there is really so little difference between the labels that it really doesn’t bare discussion IMO. I like ambigender personally, “Look Mum! See what I can do with my other side!” I find the guy so functional and the girl so fun.

    This is how I feel too.

    Some days I’m happy as a guy.. not super-macho but athletic to some extent, and interested in most male stuff.

    The other days it is almost the other extreme.. I want to be a girl and revel in my feminine side. It’s really enjoyable!

    It’s like a switch flips and I’ve had enough of being one gender. Each has it’s own advantages to me.. though I completely understand why a transperson would identify much more strongly with their ‘target’ gender.

    Maybe if society was structured differently then more people both XX and XY would experience aspects of other genders. There might even be a gamut running from completely-cis to completely-trans with only a few people being on each extreme?

  • Ruth

    12/09/2012 at 11:23 am

    When I was much younger cross-dressing was for me a totally sexual and solitary experience. It was exciting, but as I grew older it became less fulfilling and always tempered with guilt. With age I have become more feminine in my outlook, and identify more with issues, that could broadly be defined as “womanly” if such a term exists.

    Do I seriously want to be a women? I would like to think I already am. Would I change who I am-no. Dressing is still an important component, however, unlike clothing which we can change, my femininity is always with me.

  • Adrian

    13/09/2012 at 6:17 am

    Every time new life is breathed into this long running thread ( its been going since 2005) I wince at the original title.

    Are you crossdressing or seriously wanting to be a woman?

    But, if you look back at the very first thread on the post there is nothing said that reflects the exclusivity – that you can either be crossdressing or seriously wanting to be a woman. but not both.

    I know what Kiki meant when she started the thread (I think) but her terminology doesn’t sit easily with me. Crossdressing (wearing clothes intended/designed for the opposite sex) is one of the most common ways we externally express our gender identity and certainly isn’t reserved for those who don’t seriously want to be a woman.

    As I expect this thread will carry on for a few more years I’ve renamed the title to reflect the original post and avoid the implication that those who seriously want to be a woman don’t crossdress.

    The title has changed from the original

    Are you crossdressing or seriously wanting to be a woman?


    Are you happy being a man or seriously wanting to be a woman?
  • Rachael_5

    13/09/2012 at 6:54 am

    Hi I am one of the Girls that would love to be out and about more but due to familly I do not get out very much,When I get out to the shops I feel excited and I pass ok the shop assistance are great.
    I am extreamly enviouse of Females in as much as they can change Hair styles and colour with out any fuss where jeans and nail polish high heels or flat and who cares, but as a male with painted nails in heels you can imagine the stares and sly remarks.
    As to being a woman full time and transitioning I have missed that boat, I would still love to try living full time for a period because until I do I will never know and that’s the million dollar question, but to do that I have to put all the people that I hold dear through a greatdeal of stress so I guess I will what the boat sail away.
    40 yrs a CD and will be the same for the rest but it great to be able to feel like a woman if only for a short time

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