TgR Wall › Forums › M2F Toolkit › Breasts › Breast implants
Quote:……. If you want breasts, now, then you’re talking about living “full-time”.
If it isn’t being too picky…is this piece of T-logic actually true?
For Tatiana and my benefit can you explain why breast implies exclusively that you are living full time?If you had written “If you want breasts, now, then you’re talking about coming out (at least to those close to you)” then I can understand the logic.
But breasts equating to living full time as a woman… just makes me ask “Why?” (And what is wrong with people I know who have breasts who don’t live full time for personal reasons!)
Amanda -
Guest21/12/2010 at 2:47 amI’m sorry Amanda, if you have breasts (not man-boobs), I mean breasts, then surely that’s a strong statement, and having breasts would be a full-time commitment to something.
As I pointed out in my initial post here, I realise Tatiana is a very new member of TR and ask has she looked as the various options available to her.
I’m very uncomfortable with somebody who seems to be saying they want all the surgical options, and only then when they’re comfortable will they consider living full-time.
This is faery land. It doesn’t happen that way, and any professional who would allow it should be struck off.
There are Standards of Care set down for those wanting to more than just dress, whether we agree with them or not. That’s just the way it is.
Somebody needs to talk reality
Guest21/12/2010 at 4:15 amChristina, as I get it she definitely wants breasts but is unsure of the rest. It’s a magnificently rainbow spectrumed world in both gender and sexuality and I’m sure she will get the assistance she needs even if that is in Thailand. The only comment I have made (it’s in the other thread) is that binding implanted breasts may not be a good idea – I have no idea myself yes or no- and than anything above a B may be difficult to hide.
If there are any problems locally it would only be from a psych who was unwilling to support non binary gender presentations and I think this is starting to change. The other thing the psych would probably look at is the possibility of Tatiana being found out having breasts and how she would deal with that…I would plead a sudden attack of gynecomastia.
Quote:I have edited this thread and its sister that I created from the same original post by Tatiana…viewtopic.php?p=15795 . I have attempted to move posts so they better reflect to two separate topics of a) having implants and b) concealing breasts -
Guest21/12/2010 at 4:41 amThis is quite frustrating that I have to justify myself for asking a question. I am not living in a fairy land Christina, although I believe that you are living in a militant tranny land. You do not know the situation I am in and even if you did it seems that you would put yourself above everybody else and do whatever you wanted. Well good for you. I do not expect surgical miracles should I (yes I, not you) choose to under go any. If you feel that you are such a great woman you should skip the benefits of science and go bush. Maybe people with nothing constructive or nice to say should zip it.
Quote:…. and no matter how frustrating things get… please remember that the forum has a strict policy of not attacking other members in any way…which you will have already observed in Muffin’s demotion to the Sin Bin. The Sin Bin is always there if you care to ignore the rules! -
Guest22/12/2010 at 12:30 amHi Tatiana,
I agree that you do not have to justify yourself when asking a question.
I know at least two people who have B-cup implants without living full time as a female. They find it quite easy to hide their breasts in winter time by wearing loose clothing and jackets. It becomes much trickier in summer time, since summer clothes tend to be thinner fabrics, and they both suspect that some people may have noticed, although nobody has said anything.
I know that this next bit doesn’t strictly answer the thread’s initial question, but I would like to say that there are many valid reasons why somebody spends some of their time presenting as a male, and would not necessarily wish to advertise the fact that they have breasts in male mode. That does not make that person’s decision to have breasts invalid.
As others have said (and I strongly agree), gender is a continuum. Having breasts is one of the things that can help make a person’s body match their gender.
As stated in the item 1 of Terms & Conditions, TR is about Gender Diversity. So, please, everybody, let’s support each other in the diverse paths that we all follow through life. There is no right or wrong way to be who we are.
Guest22/12/2010 at 5:32 amI am fairly new here myself and was a bit amazed at the amount of emotion shown in the posts in this thread. We are all different and each and every one of us are trying to fnd a path to happiness albeit by different methods or solutions.
If someone decides to take an unconventional path and does no harm to themselves or others then who are we to judge? As Amanda has said we should be supporting each other and not trying to force our own beliefs and ideas on to other people. We should respect the decisions they make and offer advice and support as we can get hatred and bigotry just by walking down the street. I come to forums like this to find acceptance and am dismayed by the tone of some of these post.
Will I also receive personal attacks if I make any posts outside the norm?
Just my thougths for what they are worth.
Guest22/12/2010 at 10:52 amI have been following this post for a little while and giving it quite a bit of thought – without commenting. (unusual for me)
I must admit that I never would have contemplated having breast implants while living as a male. My own breast development was enough to cause emabarassment at times. But, I was also living in denial, afraid that my transgender dreams would be discovered (a horrible time) and that would be yet another clue as to who I really was and trying to coverup.
Having breasts, to me, is a significant part of my reasoning to transition between genders (not the only reason). Because it is so significant a part, it becomes difficult to contemplate how someone could facilitate actually having breasts while remaining, for the most part, living a life as a male. As a result, the emotional investment that I make as part of my transition and gaining the “Holy Grail” (almost) makes it even more difficult to understand why someone would “Not” be prepared to pay the price I have. Does it “cheapen” the sacrifice I had to make?
Not at all. This journey is going to be different for all of us. Some think there is a blueprint that we all need to follow. We each have a level that we need to achieve where we are comfortable. That may change. People are fluid creatures. Nothing is fixed. We can hope that we make decisions that will last – well made decisions do. We are able to “adapt”. This is what has made our species so abundant.
I held off making any comments, because I felt everything I had to say was a judgement. I am not a judge. I have no right to think I am right and you are wrong. So long as no one gets hurt in the process, where is the harm. If Tatiana is resolute in her standing (and she would have to be), there will be enough “others” telling her what to do and think. I have had enough people telling me that I am “this” or I am “that”. I am “me”, just as she is she.
I may not understand, but I do support her. She will have ample opportunity to decide if her decision is right or wrong. That is not for me to decide.
Guest22/12/2010 at 11:22 amHi.
Having breasts or not does not make a person a woman or male . some males due to any number of details have breasts bigger than mine yet they dont see them selfs as woman . they are all out male.
I know of many males have had thier breasts augumented they dont live as women i know them as iv met them . those i know about 20 males .
If one needs or what ever reason, has breasts its a very persanol thing ,
& if one starts with haveing breasts & does not do the so called as many have done h r t s r s & f f s & what ever else as they / you see fit to do , does that make us wrong . i did what was right for me . as we say this is my life & i wont be dictated to fact is every one that helped me went out of thier way TO help me ,i lived as male while my breasts were growing , & heres my difference im still male had breast augumented h r t & s r s.
why because im a as iv said before im a intersexed brain wired androgynous woman with a male backgroundyou see i dont came as a transsexual or a dresser i am different again . if one of us is different do we have to folllow only one way that appers to be the only way we have to do what is needed for us as individuals ,
The trans community is so different for each of us & what works for one does it have to work for every one as well, in the same way. thats the ? .
Guest22/12/2010 at 2:13 pmI can’t believe this. I will refer you folks to my post on the first page of this thread for starters and say that if you want to have a discussion about the whys and wherefors of breasts and implants then this is not the thread. I am so offended at the way that Tatiana has had her thread about contacting people in HER situation hijacked. Come on people, respect what Tatiana has asked here and stop hijacking her post and/or questioning her, it’s not a very nice welcome to a new member you know.
Oh yeah, remember the footnote in my other post in this thread too.
Guest22/12/2010 at 7:43 pmHi darl, i am mid trans on hrt for a 18 mnths now and looking at b,a myself, my hormones have given a full “A” cup which has been difficult to conceal.
No more bloke T shirts or any thing with a satin shine (in bloke mode).
A tee shirt and a bit of sweat and you look like (or feel) Dolly Parton. Thats not good in bloke mode.
Im living full time now so im not so worried, but if i weren’t i would be.It doesn’t take many snickers and fowl remarks to bring some one down into a lonely state of sadness and once you have them baby you cant just whip them out.
For greater mental satisfaction start hrt instead, it will assist you to find your feet and feel feminine, i think that may be the desired out come.
In the mean while a pair of stick on falseys with bra will give the desired feel of weight and bounce, and yes you can just whip them out.
Best wishes Maddy Sparks.
Guest22/12/2010 at 8:47 pmHi all I rarely post but I’ve said this before on other subjects & I think it applies here ” Be yourself because everyone else is already taken “
this is a quote from a Swedish transgender living book and something I live by.
Guest22/12/2010 at 10:44 pmGirls, please read the original post.
Quote:Hi everyone, this is my first post so I hope it doesn’t go over old territory. I’m currently going through the process of getting a Psych to sign off on me getting breast implants. I classify myself as being Transgender but am not willing to ‘go the whole hog’ and live full time, although that may change in the future.Anyway, I just want to know if any of you know of others like myself who get implants to start with (or just implants full stop) and still present as men most of the time. I have no intentions of coming out at the moment and am currently ‘road testing’ with fakes full time to see how I go.
ThanksNow my interpretation,:
Tatiana regards herself as Transgender. She is already experimenting with ‘fake boobs’ to see if there are issues with having boobs before she seeks a more permanent solution. She is seeking psych support for her current wishes for gender presentation.
In my opinion this is a very responsible way to check out her own feelings on gender. Leave the advice on hormones, risks or whatever to the psych that will undoubtably help her with her gender issues.
She hasn’t asked for advice on that from us. She just wants to know if there is anyone else here who has taken this path, presumably so that she share information and experiences.
Criticism, presumption that she will present gender on a binary model, or any other feedback that doesn’t actually help her meet her currently well stated aims are simply not helping her.Tatiana *hugs* babe. Your plan is a good one. Find the psych and have a chat. Be firm in what you want. You don’t have to justify it. They will help you or refer you to someone who will.
Now please, unless you can help, leave the poor girl alone.
Gwen -
Guest29/12/2010 at 12:42 pmI have been thinking about implants. The idea of taking all sorts of herbal products and waiting x amount of years is not for me. Implants are a quick fix to looking like a female. Of course, serious research will be done. I don’t take lightly the concept of adding to my body what was not there in the first place….not full breasts anyway. Men have breasts, we all know that. I just want more, so i can spend heaps of money on bra’s. The desire to have breasts is very strong within me. I have no control over that. Bronwyn
Quote:Implants are a quick fix to looking like a female. Of course, serious research will be done. ……. The desire to have breasts is very strong within me. I have no control over that. Bronwyn
Where the idea that implants are a quick fix to looking female comes from I have no idea.
Other forums have discussed what it means to look/pass as a female and there are much bigger issues to address.
No one in the street can tell if you have implants or forms – unless you propose to go to the beach (in which case you will probably run into some bigger issues in changing rooms).
They can however tell if you are thinking like a man, walking like a man, talking like a man…. and of course have the bone structure/face/hands of a man.
Looking female is rarely about the shape under your clothes – and you meet many women in real life who have very little shape (but who are nevertheless very female).Unlike the original poster you say nothing about the destination on your journey nor if HRT is on your agenda.
To me the obsession to “fix” things quickly by doing something (getting implants) appears a very male trait.
Generalising…female brains tend to talk about things a lot first and only turn to action late. Male brains want to take action first – like having implants. (This is heading off topic perhaps – a new thread may be needed….)
As a first step I would advise wearing forms or chicken fillets ALL THE TIME – no excuses. See if people accept you more as female. Try and find out if having permanent breasts is an obsession or a real psychological need. Seek a medical opinion before envisaging surgery. -
Guest31/12/2010 at 2:11 amDear all
I dont have an opinion one way or the other in this discussion but there is another way of getting breasts enlarged or adding them – the new thing overseas is augmentation of breasts via Stem Cell implants.The procedure is fairly simple and a lot less traumatic ( I gather ) than traditional implants.
The surgeon takes fat from the stomach via liposuction, then centrifuges 1/2 of the amount taken.Stem cells are heavier than ordinary cells so they move towards,or into, one part of this fat. The part that is rich in stem cells is isolated from that which now has a deficiency .The other 1/2 is filtered and ‘purified ‘ The enriched fat is then combined with the purified portion and this is injected into the breast area and sculptured by th surgeon into a breast or an enlarged one.The presence of the stem cells stops the transplanted fat from being absorbed by the body, so about 98% of that transplanted stays there.Fat transplants before this procedure resulted in about 35 % of the fat being absorbed and not uniformly absorbed so your new or enlarged breast could wind up malformed. The limiting factor in this (I read) is you can go up only a maximum of 2 cup sizes… but repeated implantaion hasnt been tried so far as th technique is so new
As far as I know this procedure is available in the US and Korea I suggest you Google the topic
Happy New Year all