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I found this comment about breast implants on yahoo answers. claims to be written by a clinically qualified transgender. And whilst the terminology used is in my opinion confused, the information is interesting.
I found of particular interest the information that HRT after breast implants is not advisable. This may be of particular interest to anyone (like Tatiana) who consders there is a possibility they may go down that path at a future date.
Actually, very few people are ‘all for it’ when a transgender male wants breast implants; including most transgender males. Breast implants make it very difficult for a transgender male to present as male, which the majority of them do, at least some of the time.Perhaps you mean transsexual women.
Many transsexual women, disappointed with their breast development after a year or two on hormone therapy, express an interest in breast implants; and they’re generally advised against it, both by their doctors and their peers.
Many have to be reminded that, just like adolescent cis girls, it can take 5 to 10 years for breast tissue to fully develop; having implant surgery before development has ceased can cause misshapen breasts as the tissue continues to grow over and around the implants.Once development is finished, however, transsexual women are subject to the same criteria as cis women if they seek this surgery (and the same people try to talk BOTH groups out of it).
I’m a clinical specialist in surgery and anaesthesia, and I was born transsexual. -
Guest31/12/2010 at 7:20 amAfter several months talking to my Psych I have decided to delay the implants for a while at least (funnily enough I’m buying a new car with the money instead- which is a pretty manly thing to do :wink:). She advises getting out more dressed and becoming more at ease with who I want to be before doing anything permanent, as well as a few other issues about body image and assorted general craziness. So therapy will be ongoing.
Interesting info about the hormones after implants not being a good idea. Though I am not a fan of the hormones effects in general unless the person is young, it is good to be aware of all the facts.
Thanks for all the input, it has been I interesting.
Guest31/12/2010 at 8:16 pmDear Amanda,
I would urge great caution re HRT being “not adviseable” following breast augmentation. Specifically my concern would be for those who also undertake vaginoplasty. With the principal source of testosterone removed, there is a need for an alternate source for bone density protection.
Osteoporosis is a serious outcome when HRT is stopped
Quote:Dear Amanda,
I would urge great caution re HRT being “not adviseable” following breast augmentation.
Re-reading the article I quoted, I think it is clear that the author is proposing caution about having implants prior to, or during the transition stages of HRT.
It appears that the author is against implants in general (this may or may not be a medical position) – but an awareness that implants may cause complications if one later undertakes HRT is a point I think worth considering.
At no point does the article, or what I summarised, propose that anyone discontinue prescribed HRT. -
Guest23/01/2011 at 12:04 pmI have read these posts and find them somewhat disturbing in that they do not seem to address what would be considered acceptable medical interventions during transition. I am 57 and post op and believe that good hormone therapy is essential. I also worked with very good professionals throughout my transition which ensured a coordinated approach.
However, I will say that Tatiana has the right to follow her own path through transition and my comments below are to share my experiences with her.
Hormones play such an important part in our make up as males or females. When embarking on transition most of us seek to reverse the impacts of Testosterone on our minds and bodies. Hence starting on hormones is an important initial step, in my case the day I started on Oestrogen I found a peace that I had been searching for my whole life. The Oestrogen and subsequent Anti Androgens helped me in living part of my life as a woman as I started the transition to living full time and in doing so confirming that I had made the right decision to transition. I still have my original breastforms! I also knew that if I found that I could not cope with transition I could stop the hormones within 6 months with little long term effect.
There are some professionals who believe that one’s reactions to hormones are a diagnostic tool … for me I would agree.
My first year on hormones was wonderful. The changes that I experienced and emerging as the woman I truly was I cannot describe the euphoria.
I write this from Thailand where I have just had breast implants placed under the muscle and my small A cup breasts that developed from the hormones. The feeling is amazing … the combination of real tissue over the implant has a very natural feel. I intend continuing with a relatively high Oestrogen intake for another year or so to complete my breast development.
In regard to other surgeries my research showed that most SRS Surgeons, well the good ones at least, require a minimum period of hormone treatment of at least a year.