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  • Smoothskin IPL

    Posted by Anonymous on 22/07/2016 at 3:10 am

    Im hoping this post “may” help others and save money… Recently I purchased a smoothskin IPL machine at the shaver shop. I twasnt cheap, $679.. however given the cost of paying for treatments from $150 to $250 full face I think its worth it…I purchased the mens one..asit states it works on the face.. It advices use weekly for 12weeks then monthly or as required..In the first three weeks i have had great reduction… in facial hair growth.. Ill update after12weeks for those interested… Wish i had this before my greys started.. Electrolysus will fix thoselate.

    Anonymous replied 7 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 57 Replies
  • 57 Replies
  • Anonymous

    22/07/2016 at 1:30 pm

    Hi Jessica, Thank you for posting about the results from your recent IPL Machine purchase. I looked at buying one a few months ago but decided after doing some research that the results may not be worth the outlay (even though I spend lots of money on waxing!). So I will be very interest in your updates. Hugs, Emily.

  • Alison_2

    22/07/2016 at 11:09 pm

    Thanks Jessica for this posting, I have been considering buying one, so I’ll look forward to your future posting with great interest.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    23/07/2016 at 12:23 am

    Thanks for that information. It seems you got a bargain as well. I was looking at them on line and the prices shown are about a $100 more. So well done, don’t we love a bargain? I found it on Amazon and the reviews are very positive, I only found the one detractor. I did love some of the comments.
    “The icky part. In anything from a few days to a few weeks (the length of time varies depending on the area you have treated) you will start to moult”
    ” I used it on my husbands shoulders and he hopped about like a bunny on crack saying it was like an electric shock.”
    Here is the URL for the Amazon page, worth reading.

  • Jane

    23/07/2016 at 2:34 am

    I have checked out the Smoothskin web site for this product. It has a list of frequently asked questions one of which is:
    “Can it be used for men on a male face?”
    The reply is:
    “Yes it is suitable for men. However, we do not recommend using IPL to remove the male beard. Results here would be limited due to the thickness, density and depth of male beard hair and can cause an adverse reaction. It is most usually used on the neck line around the collar of a shirt, chest and back areas for men.”
    So Jessica it will be interesting to see how you go with it. Please keep us posted.

  • Anonymous

    23/07/2016 at 6:14 am

    Hi Jane, initially I ordered the female version… It was cheaper,, I then got worried, although Ive been on hormones for 10 years i got worried, rang shaver shop and was told this works on beards. They often have IPL PRODUCTS REDUCED… They tried getting me to buy one for $1000 reduced by 50%…One negative with this product and possibly other brands is they have a life cycle of 120,000 flashes. I figure thats enough to do the job on my face and body.

  • Jennett

    24/07/2016 at 1:36 am

    I would like to offer my opinion as to ‘Does not work on grey hairs.’
    I assume the grey does not conduct or something and I figure if I dyed my hair with a hair colour that contains COPPER, then it would conduct the charge as overcome the problem. Possibley.
    Use your own discretion but when I save up the other $700 I will try it myself.

  • Adrian

    24/07/2016 at 3:44 am
    Jennett wrote:
    it would conduct the charge as overcome the problem. Jennett

    IPL is either the Indian Premier League – or Intense Pulsed Light – probably the latter!
    So there is no charge to conduct – it works by light.

    As you have to start by shaving as close as you can (to allow the light to get to the roots) – the hair colour will all go as it doesn’t touch the roots.

    The wave lengths used in standard IPL targets the melanin (pigment) in the hair. Since grey, red, white and blonde hair has no melanin, IPL doesn’t work.

    That said I have many beard grey hairs that are dark at the roots when I pluck them. So I presume IPL will work on them. So perhaps the warning should be that it doesn’t work on totally grey/blonde hair.

  • Anonymous

    24/07/2016 at 4:18 am

    i have Greys and over the years have been told,, Electrolisys is the only way to get rid of them.That said, If after say 18 weeks I have no greys growing ill let you know..Id hate for anyone to buy an IPL unit to have it not do the job….. I spent . $150 on a cheap unit from Kogans..It worked a little but Its likely best for Genetic woman. If my greys stop growing because they are still dark at the root bonus

  • Anonymous

    29/07/2016 at 5:51 am

    Update….Im 4 weeks into using the smooth skin. I would estimate a 20% reduction in facial hair. Having been using it on my underarms..seems about 95%gone…arms legs and body greatly reduced about 70%…I had been using a cheap kogan brand ipl on my body so maybe that did ok as well except my face.More than happy as paying for IPL on the body is very expensive

  • Juliette

    30/07/2016 at 2:58 pm

    Thanks Jessica for the info – will look into getting this machine.

  • Anonymous

    31/07/2016 at 1:29 am

    Hi Juliette.. Good luck.. IPL has bewildered me over the years, I have been told to get treated fortnightly and monthly. I always felt with the rate of hair growth weekly would make more sense. When I read the Instructions to find they say weekly it makes sense…. I think the effectiveness will vary on each Individual. Some may be 12 weeks as per the product book… others awhile longer. If after 12 weeks Ive stopped 70% growth ill just continue weekly until Im satisfied….Keep an eye out for Sales.. Shaver shop often have these machines on sale

  • Jennett

    31/07/2016 at 4:08 am

    Can anyone tell me if this whole Indian Premier Leaugue machine has to be replaced when the cycles are done or is it just a cheap(ish) globe or whatever.?

  • Anonymous

    31/07/2016 at 4:19 am

    Intense Pulse Laser…….The booklet that came with my Smoothskin machine states.It has a life expectancy of 120,000 flashes….I havent counted but id guess i use about 30-40 flashes on my face and neck. Im expecting it will still have life left even when Im using it as a maintenance item,every month or so

  • Elizabeth

    31/07/2016 at 5:52 pm

    Once I was very tempted as it seemed like a dream come true; then in the instructions, Not recommended for diabetics, that was me buggered.

  • Anonymous

    01/08/2016 at 12:46 am


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