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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat All about YOU What’s in a name?

  • Sarah_Michelle

    04/02/2007 at 5:19 am

    Like others I have been dressing since childhood. 55 now. I didn’t have a name until about 10 years ago when I had to choose a name, I think for a chat session. It was a quick decision and I chose Michelle as I liked the name. I used that name for years never giving my name another thought until recently. My mother had once told me that if I had been born a female I would have been named Sarah. So I have changed the name I am known by but also kept Michelle. So its now Sarah Michelle.


  • Anonymous

    09/02/2007 at 9:57 am

    I always wanted to be Samantha off Bewitched. A great role model – thus the name.

    I’ve met lots of sexy Samanthas in my life. Like Nikki, there are very few who aren’t stunners.

    Now a name doesn’t maketh the woman – but it can’t hurt to dream.

    kisses Sammi

  • Anonymous

    06/03/2007 at 9:23 am
    Ok Ladies,
    My SO baptized me….love to hear how everyone else embraced their name!

    My SO chose mine, too. I would have preferred Cathy after a gorgeous girl from my school days, but we had a friend called Cathy at the time, so Christine was the next best. It bears no resemblance to to male name. When I was in my 20’s I used Laura which it very close to my male name.



  • Anonymous

    08/03/2007 at 5:18 am

    hi girls i have allways tried to stay close to my own initials, i used JOANNE for a long time but have stuck with jacquie renee now and i love the sound of it when my wife and daughter call out to me when im dressed . 😉 xx

  • Anonymous

    08/03/2007 at 12:16 pm
    hi girls.

    this is my first contribution ,i came by my name after first using something close to my male name of Peter (Peta and Petria) but i settled on a name closer to my nature more softer and feminine Emma ,it also happens to be one of my nieces name.

    For more formal use i use Emma-Louise

    Love you all Emma

    Well, snap!, as I am also (in formal mode) Emma Louise.

    Emma I chose because when I think of a striking woman with bucketloads of confidence I am/was always reminded of Diana Rigg’s character Mrs Emma Peel from the long lamented british TV (no puns please) series, The Avengers.
    Louise I chose as I thought it went well with ‘Emma’.

    My last name, Thorne, is a bit of a private joke.I used to use the joke when people asked me on-line why I chose it as a surname and I would say: “Well what do you get when you grab a thorn(e)? You get a prick of course”

    I have also used other nom-de-plumes on the internet and still do to some extent depending on what site I am at. For years I was Pinky Pinkston, heiress to the Alphabet Soup fortune, on PalTalk and other online chat sites. I will also confess to being Nancy Boise (say it quickly) on a few sites but I always put my own pics up and most everyone in the sisterhood knows it’s me anyway.
    The absolute best name of a cd I have ever come across is a galpal of mine in the USA. She uses the nick ‘Blazin Bloomers’ and I think I worked out early in the piece how she picked that one lol

    Great topic.

  • Anonymous

    09/03/2007 at 9:03 pm


    I was previously known to quite a few of the girls here as Hayley Faith, names chosen by my ex-wife based on my personality and strengths. However after that marriage went west, and after meeting my beautiful Carmen, we decided to change my name (a little because we didn’t want any reminders of my ex… let’s not go there), so we all (Carmen, her daughter and myself) came up with Juliann. Based on nothing other than we like the name Julian for a boy and Julianne for a girl. We dropped the ‘e’, then it can go either way.

    Both Carmen, her daughter and Carmen’s Mum have the middle name Marie, as is family tradition, and the girls wanted me to be included. So with Mum’s blessing Carmen and SD decided that I should be Juliann Marie.

    When I transition to fulltime next year, we are going to change my name legally to Juliann Marie.

    Not much to it really, but I love the names they have given me, as it comes from both my angels hearts.

  • Anonymous

    12/03/2007 at 8:15 pm

    For me it was easy. Larry > Lazza> Lizza.
    Besides I’m a mad fan of Minelli!!

    But I have never been tempted to be Lizza Marie!

    love to all

  • Anonymous

    26/06/2007 at 4:39 am

    For me it was almost a given
    I love theatre and for a long time I have used the name Touchstone as a nickname or email name

    Touchstone is a character in Shakespeares ‘As you Like it’. I chose this name as Touchstone is a family jester, which sorta is me

    Anyway Touchstone ends up marrying a girl named ‘Audrey’

    Ergo Audrey is Touchstones other half.

    Besides I adore Audrey Hepburn who has to me one of the most elegant ladies ever to grace the silver screen

    Elegant Im not – but a girl has to aim high

  • Anonymous

    27/06/2007 at 3:11 am

    Choosing names. When I was about 10 years old I sat next to a girl in class. I fell in love with her (puppy love of course) completely innocent, we didn’t so much as hold hands. I left that school a year later and never set eyes on her again. But her name Janet somehow remained with me from that ancient love affair and hence my femme name decades later.
    Hugs Janet.

  • Anonymous

    27/06/2007 at 10:50 pm

    Over the years I seem to have used quite a few names. It just depended on my incarnation at the time. The change of name also seemed to coincide with some trauma in my life. Like others I named myself after some girl I knew who I admired or was attracted to. So, for the record, here are a few of the ones I can recall:
    Joy. Named after a work colleague, a very bright bubbly person
    Pamela: Also a colleague who was a very gentle soul.
    Claire Louise Stafford. No idea where it came from, liked the name Claire and needed a surname when I got a store card. A girl friend had a loved aunt called Louise and suggested I use that as a middle name.
    A friend from the U.S. suggested I use a title. In the Melbourne scene we had a very prominent identity called Lady Pamela. I thought she was very elegant and I aspired to be as lady like as she was. She eventually retired and I adopted the title and used it when writing my fiction. Hence, (don’t laugh)
    Lady Claire Louise Stafford
    4th Baroness of the Western Isles.
    This last bit was suggested by an Irish friend who thought the 4th gave it age or history!!
    Currently: Helen Buckley, named after a school teacher friend who died of an awful illness and inspired me with her humour and dignity.

  • Anonymous

    27/06/2007 at 11:08 pm

    Hi to all

    Choosing a name was not as hard as I thought, after thinking about how I would like to be known, it appeared natural to take Alexi, this is the name I was known as at school those many years ago .
    It lays well as it’s the same as my initals I use all the time so useing cards etc. there are no problems.
    Choose the name you feel most happy with and go for it, I’m sure most girls will be happy to know you as …..
    Just my contribution, be happy :P

    Alexi LOL

  • Anonymous

    20/08/2007 at 2:49 am
    My female name is almost like my male name. I thought it best to keep my initials as my credit card can be used in both modes and I can keep the same nick name(Ant or Anth if you wish to shorten it). Also Anthea is not a common name, and I think it sounds nice.

    Well thats it, mostly for practical reasons.

    Well I for one think that Anthea is a gorgeous name.

    I had a family friend when I was younger who’s name was Carolina. People used to call her Lina for short, and I just always loved the sound of that. I also wanted a name starting with the same first letter as my male name, and Lina fit perfectly…

  • Anonymous

    21/08/2007 at 8:23 am

    Well I always get the feeling ‘I need ta Dress’ hence ‘Anita Dress’ simple really :) :tongue: Got nuthing to do with my real name and it came to me shen i saw Courtney Acts name, I thought her play on words was cool and wanted to do something similar, lol 😉

  • Paula_1

    05/12/2007 at 6:25 am

    When I was working out a female name I was thinking of using Pauline but then decided on Paula. Paula is named after a girl I knew way back in primary school, ( her sister was in my class ). It is also a lot closer to my own name.

  • Anonymous

    26/08/2008 at 6:38 am

    I started with Penny, it’s a name I have always liked its young its formal and rolls off the tongue. But to get a Web e-mail address I thought I needed to have a second name a surname! I tried lots of combinations but ended up with the one I have (cheaper) I didn’t start out to look for a funny surname it just came out that way. Yes I could have used my real surname but I needed to make a break from that person.

    I guess it shows how much a know about the Internet to figure that I thought I needed the second name, but after all this time I got used to the cheaper.
    Lots of girls have chatted to only have a first name is nothing wrong in that but would it not be nice to be known as Ms.

    So my question is that those who have only a first name what would your surname be?

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