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  • Adrian

    23/04/2017 at 11:31 am in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    March 2017

  • Good post Glenda,

    Glenda wrote:
    a girlfriend of mine pointed out if you are in a ladies room and one of the GG’s in the stall next to you asks if you have a spare it adds some credibility to being there in the ladies room.

    That one really does deserve to go down in the archives of transgender myths.

    I remember there was a time in the past (from my “horse-drawn crossdressing” times) when I stuffed my handbag full of pads, makeup, and any girly stuff I could find. Just in case someone looked into it!

    But if like me you look post-menopausal no self respecting teenager is going to expect you to carry a pad – and as for them asking strangers in a stall…. as I say put it down as a great transgender myth.

    I’m with Emma on this one – you don’t need credibility (aka passing) you just need self confidence and some gender-appropriate social skills.

  • Adrian

    26/03/2017 at 9:57 pm in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    February 2017

  • Adrian

    07/03/2017 at 3:25 am in reply to: Melbourne International terminal Scanner

    On the closely related topic of pat downs after a scan anomaly, the USA has just announced it is going to get a lot more “touchy”.

    Here is a report from

    US airport security pat-downs are about to get even more invasive

    While few have noticed, US airport security workers long had the option of using five different types of physical pat-downs at the screening line. Now, those have been eliminated, replaced instead with one universal approach. And this time, you will notice.

    The new physical touching-for those selected to have a pat-down-will be more invasive in what the federal agency describes as a more “comprehensive” physical screening, according to a Transportation Security Administration spokesman.

    While passengers may find the process more intrusive than before, the new screening procedure isn’t expected to increase overall airport security delays. However, “for the person who gets the pat down, it will slow them down,” Anderson said.
    TSA officials didn’t immediately address whether the new universal pat-down protocol will mandate touching of passenger genitals.
  • Adrian

    10/04/2017 at 3:26 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal
    Bree wrote:
    Great idea!
    The way I am reading it is that the 2 events are not mutually exclusive. Is it correct that one can’t do the first (“walk the walk”) session only?

    Sort of… but only sort of.
    Everyone is welcome to watch the show…but without the models there wouldn’t be a show.
    So the aim is to find models who want to learn the stuff and do a show.
    A few no shows for the show might be fine – but the primary focus is on getting enough models who will do both sessions.

  • Adrian

    10/04/2017 at 12:45 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    Saturday YES.
    Afternoon NO.

    When it comes to timing, the workshops are anyone’s guess. I’m still juggling the cards to see what works.
    BUT the stage for the catwalk has to be moved into the Dining Room to be ready for the band to set up – so the show should be over by late lunchtime.

    It is perhaps worth noting that the show will not be an opportunity post-formal wear post-makeup session etc. The models can choose any outfit they want to walk the catwalk in – and Helen will help you to jazz it up as needed for the show.

  • Adrian

    03/04/2017 at 10:01 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal
    Kristen_james wrote:
    I have booked a house in Katoomba for the TF weekend & have 2 places available for anyone still needing accommodation.
    I get access on Friday afternoon until mid morning on Sunday. Cost is $55/night.

    And there are still 2-Day Weekend tickets available (Friday and Saturday). A great opportunity for a couple of people to enjoy the fun of a Transformal weekend at a great price. Thanks Kristen!

  • Adrian

    28/03/2017 at 10:29 pm in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    The weekend program is coming together, though I’m still looking for volunteers to facilitate break out sessions. In the feedback last year it was suggested that we have informal groups to talk about topics like
    [li]Discussing the difficulties we face as transgender/crossdressers[/li]
    [li]Sharing our makeup tricks and techniques[/li]
    [li]fill in your idea here![/li]

    And does anyone want to organise anything informal on Friday afternoon – like a bush walk, sightseeing….your choice!


    So remind your friends and ensure they don’t miss out!

  • Adrian

    11/03/2017 at 9:07 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    The Friday reception will be 1920’s themed like last year. I can’t go past the elegance of it – and it ties in well with what the Swing Catz will be doing. But it is still early to nail down the details of the weekend. I haven’t even asked for volunteers to help run activities and breakouts yet!!!!

  • Adrian

    09/03/2017 at 7:04 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    Planning for the weekend workshops on Saturday is coming along nicely.


    This year we hope to have a Transformal fashion parade.
    Helen will be helping us onto the catwalk where we can learn to walk-the-walk and get advice on presentation. Sounds fun!

    Kayh will be leading a yoga class again.

    Ophelia will be giving another of her always popular workshops – this year her topic is “talking like a lady”.

    Then we have the Sydney Swing Catz coming to teach us how to dance in 1920’s swing.

    And that is just the start!

    So the Transformal Weekend looks like being as fun as always.

    But by the time we have the details sorted out I expect there won’t be many tickets left.
    At the moment we have just two bargain priced 2-Day weekend tickets including accommodation in the Carrington Traditional Wing.
    And seven other 2-Day tickets if you want to find your own accommodation.

    That is just eleven chances remaining to “do the weekend”.

    So don’t delay!!!

    P.S. If you can’t find the time to join us for the weekend there are still over 15 Formal-only tickets for sale.

  • Adrian

    08/04/2017 at 12:43 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    All gone! Six lucky girls booked into the Glamour Photography.
    Caroline will advise your of your session time.

  • Adrian

    06/04/2017 at 6:05 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    The price of success

    I’ve been advised that there are just two rooms left to book in The Carrington Hotel. Transformal has so far booked 47 rooms on the Saturday night which is a record (up from 41 in 2014).

    That means there are just two opportunities left to grab a Weekend ticket and stay in The Carrington this year.

    The two remaining Premier rooms on Friday and Saturday night will sell soon, so please phone the hotel to check availability before purchasing your weekend ticket.

  • Adrian

    21/03/2017 at 10:49 pm in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    20 tickets left for 2017

    What’s New?
    Exciting entertainment at the Transformal Formal

    Cross Dress with Class announces new workshop
    Note that Saturday workshops are only available to guests purchasing a Weekend ticket.

    Ticketing Update

    For more details and ticket sales visit our event website


  • Adrian

    14/03/2017 at 1:26 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    I hope you have received some advice in private.

    Marian wrote:
    where I can buy a formal outfit and a 20’s style ensemble

    For the benefit of the wider audience can I stress that
    a) The formal is not a ball – and although many may choose to dress up a bit (or even a lot) for the occasion you don’t need to go out and spend lots of money on a ball gown or some expensive evening dress. The dress code is formal which means no jeans, T-shirts, or mini-skirts. Go for longer skirts but a smart cocktail dress would not be inappropriate.
    b) The Friday reception is themed because many guests seem to like some guidance as what to wear. The 1920’s look adds a certain style to Friday night – but any smart dress with some beads thrown over the top will pass muster.
    Of course if you want the retail therapy then these two evenings give you all the excuses you could possibly need to exercise your credit card. But please don’t see the spending of extra $$ for new outfits on top of your ticket and accommodation as a requirement. As organiser I never intended it to be that way.

  • Adrian

    05/03/2017 at 5:21 am in reply to: 2017 Transformal

    ** NEWS FLASH ** Transformal Weekend Special Offer

    We have just a few very special Weekend+Room packages for sale. Buy a 2-Day Weekend ticket including accommodation for just $421. That is incredible value because your ticket includes:

    [li]Comfortable accommodation in a Carrington Hotel Traditional room (twin or double)[/li]
    [li]1920’s Cocktail Reception (Friday)[/li]
    [li]Breakfast (Saturday)[/li]
    [li]Workshops (Saturday)[/li]
    [li]Swing Catz Dance Class (Saturday)[/li]
    [li]Formal Dinmner (Saturday)[/li]
    [li]Breakfast (Sunday).[/li]
    All this value for less than the cost of two nights in a Colonial Room at the Carrington.

    We have just four tickets (at the time of writing) on sale for $421.

    Note that the special offer includes ticketing for one person. You can share your Traditional Room with one other person at no additional cost.


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