Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    30/05/2016 at 12:13 pm in reply to: Some girls do….. Some girls don’t .. but should !!

    OK here we go… Walking on Eggshells with an Elephant in the Cupboard

    Behaviour 1:
    Craving likes, taking selfies, looking at oneself in the mirror, telling everyone about yourself. The actions of someone whose world is largely consumed by themselves. Someone feeling insecure in society at large.

    Behaviour 2:
    Giving complements, being genuinely interested in others, being aware of their feelings, putting the needs of others first. These are the actions of someone who is outward looking, engaging with the world and presumably feeling confident.

    Now Caroline you say you see the first more than the latter?
    I wouldn’t dare comment… but if it is true you don’t need a PhD to work out why.

    But hush – don’t wake up the elephant!

  • Adrian

    28/05/2016 at 12:35 am in reply to: Why “Passing” is wrong.
    Christina wrote:
    Here is an interesting point of view I think.

    Great to see others are speaking out … just loved the way Amanda summarised why a focus on passing is a mistake.

    There’s more to being trans than passing, and our obsession with it shows a huge problem with not just trans culture but our larger culture. The first thing we do as trans people is start buying clothes we think we’re supposed to wear. I rushed out to get a nice flowy dress first thing before I realized that I live in one of the windiest damn states in the nation; pants are simply practical in Oklahoma. There’s the obsession with makeup and wearing long-haired wigs; worries about how to sit and hold your hands. It’s all modeled after an ideal of femininity. I get learning to sit right wearing a skirt — even Scottish guys in kilts know to keep the knees together — but come on. Women wear jeans and T-shirts all the time, and a closet full of dresses and skirts and a medicine cabinet full of MAC doesn’t really build the foundation for being a woman.
    It’s an interesting thing because trans people are always talking about how gender norms and behavior are culturally taught and imposed on us from birth, but we seem to jump right into buying into them ourselves.
    This obsession with “passing” is a curse on our community. It’s a problem with our culture. And with trans women becoming more visible in our society (don’t worry, trans men, we’ll come back for ya), it will continue to be a major sore spot. How do we get around the idea that ..embracing the feminine ideal is necessary to truly be seen as a “real woman”?
  • Adrian

    19/05/2016 at 12:51 am in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    April 2016

    Hiding in the shadows of Transformal this weekend is our regular Glebe cafe night.

    The May Glebe cafe night is on Friday 27th April.
    I hope you can join me for our regular monthly get together in Glebe.

    Interstate visitors, TgR Members and their guests welcome.

    As a courtesy to the hostess, and to help us select the right sized table we ask that you contact us in advance.
    To reserve a spot for the next cafe night contact me (SMS 0422590598 or message through the web site)

    All the details are here:

    There is a limit of 10 places at this event.

  • Adrian

    09/05/2016 at 6:54 am in reply to: 2016 Transformal

    Thankyou to Carol for spotting this article about IDAHOT in the Blue Mountains Gazette.

    Coming together for IDAHOT in Blue Mountains

    The article starts with a nice group picture from 2015 showing the TransFormal banner (thanks banner girls!)


    Fellow Katoomba resident and IDAHOT committee member Malcolm McPherson will speak at a second IDAHOT event, to be held from 11am to 1pm on Saturday, May 21 in Katoomba’s Carrington Square.

    The community event – held on the Saturday for those who can’t attend Tuesday’s flag raising – will feature live entertainment, a photo exhibition, refreshments and speeches by several people including Mr McPherson, who is also the NSW Co-convenor of Australian Marriage Equality.

    “Transphobia and homophobia, and the social and legal discrimination that follow, cause immense harm to the mental health and wellbeing of LGBT people,” said Mr McPherson.

    “IDAHOT is important in creating a more positive environment and a more inclusive community for us all.”

    The IDAHOT events will conclude with a photo shoot at 2pm on Sunday, May 22 alongside the rainbow flag at Echo Point. All community members are welcome to attend.

    The events will coincide with TransFormal, a three-day celebration of gender diversity culminating in the annual TransFormal dinner/dance at the Carrington Hotel on May 21.

  • Adrian

    06/05/2016 at 2:38 am in reply to: This makes the bathroom debate a bit more complex!

    Which shows a second GOOD thing about the current “Bathroom” debate in the US.
    Finally the general population might realise that all transgender people were not born male.

    The exposure of the F2M population is great – and will I am sure help people understand the true scope of gender diversity.

  • Adrian

    03/05/2016 at 8:30 am in reply to: This makes the bathroom debate a bit more complex!
    Catherine wrote:
    I vote for pelvic scanners to resolve the matter

    I do hope you are trying to be flippant.

    However I don’t see any humour in siding with the US bigots who want rest rooms use to be based on physical anatomy.

    What the pelvic scanner shows (presence of a prostate for instance) is quite irrelevant in a more informed society that doesn’t base gender on simplistic assessment of physical anatomy.

  • Adrian

    03/05/2016 at 7:16 am in reply to: This makes the bathroom debate a bit more complex!
    Catherine wrote:
    Adrian found the perfect solution.

    I’m not sure that changing ones birth certificate, then having to divorce your long term partner rates in my mind as a perfect solution to going to the toilet. It should be a lot easier than that.

    I suspect that someone who has suspicions of your gender bone-fides based just on passing looks will have attacked you with words, fists, or a bullet, before asking you to show your birth certificate.

    Stories coming from the States already point to a policy of discriminate first, ask questions later. Which makes changing paperwork a pretty ineffectual solution.

    Living in Australia is a much better idea!

  • Adrian

    01/05/2016 at 10:58 am in reply to: This makes the bathroom debate a bit more complex!

    If one has to find a positive side to the House Bill 2 (HB2), it is that it makes people aware of the difference between sex (what is on one’s birth certificate) and gender (the identity that someone feels comfortable with).

    We have struggled to find a effective way to introduce the concept that gender is not the same as physical sex to a population that has always used the two terms interchangeably.

    Seeing a super feminised image does perhaps make it easier to grasp – looks like a girl (gender expression), but apparently wees like a man (physical sex).

    On the other hand I wonder if the right wing religious bigots behind HB2 are capable of absorbing any challenging new view of the world.

    I guess I scratch North Carolina off my travel plans for the foreseeable future.

    As for the same thing happening here? Not a chance in my opinion. What a great country we live in! If only we could get over the same sex marriage hurdle.

  • Adrian

    30/04/2016 at 10:41 am in reply to: This makes the bathroom debate a bit more complex!

    I can only respond with the spot on comment
    Sujay Kentlyn made on her facebook page on this topic…

    ‘The passage of North Carolina’s recent House Bill 2 sparked a nationwide debate, effectively preventing transgender people from using public restrooms that match their gender identity. To protest the law, photographer Meg Bitton took to Facebook to show how it actually impacts transgender people. She posted a photograph of Corey Maison, a young transgender girl, with the caption: “If this was YOUR daughter, would you be comfortable sending her into a men’s bathroom?”. . . “

    This really bothers me for two reasons:
    1. The use of cosmetics etc. to hyperfeminise and glamourise this child, which I see as part of the trend of setting impossible standards for trans females to measure up to.
    2. The implication that only those who pass spectacularly well deserve protection, whereas it’s those whose gender presentation is most transitional and least ‘convincing’ who are most at risk of persecution and (violent) victimisation.

  • Adrian

    28/04/2016 at 2:50 am in reply to: 2016 Transformal

    As far as I know the Blue Mountains are to the forefront in celebrating IDAHOT. Not only do they actually have public events that are widely supported in the community – they also have the backing of the Blue Mountains Council who are refreshingly progressive in this matter.
    Hence my pleasure in finding that Transformal will co-incide with their celebrations for the 4th year in a row.

    • Adrian

      01/05/2016 at 7:55 am in reply to: 2016 Transformal

      At this stage I have no details other than what I published in the flier. No doubt some more detail will arrive in the inbox over the coming weeks and I’ll share it.

      But in so far as there may be a conflict of timing it only applies to the lucky few who have full weekend tickets. The rest of the guests can get their lingerie from Abraskadabras then head on down to Echo Point to show it off at the photo shoot.

  • Adrian

    24/04/2016 at 10:17 am in reply to: an interesting insight into privilege ( and passing?)

    Thanks Christina for sharing that video.

    I was biting my tongue when all the Trans world seemed to be gushing with Caitlyn Jenner admiration. I don’t understand what is so great about transgender role models who use the privilege of fame and/or fortune to impose a standard of femininity that we all must aspire to and be judged against. Caitlyn isn’t the only one to hit the media spotlight like that in the last few years. So it is great to hear this self-centered insensitivity being called out in the media. Nice that someone has the guts to say what I think.

    Oh – and by the way – am I the only one who looks at Caitlyn and recognises her maleness. Or am I just transphobic!

  • Adrian

    24/04/2016 at 3:36 am in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    March 2016

  • Adrian

    22/04/2016 at 11:48 am in reply to: 2016 Transformal

    For the Friday reception we have a 1920’s theme. If you need some guidance on what to wear then there is a great introduction to roaring twenties themed clothing by Vintage Dancer here.

    In a nut shell 1920s fashion for women was all about getting loose which applied to morals too. Dresses were sleeveless, shapeless, long or short slip gowns accented with beading, sequins, fringe, and some feathers. Rich jewel tones and soft pastels made the simplest of gowns look expensive. Add to that some lavish accessories such as a diamond tiara or headband, silk shawl, feather fan, long pearl necklaces, and gold arm bangles and you will look like a silent movie star!


    The webpage has some advice on how to pick up a 1920s style dress on the cheap, or even dress up something you already have in your wardrobe.

    And if that is just too much – just throw some long beads over your fav outfit!

  • Adrian

    28/05/2016 at 12:06 pm in reply to: 2016 Transformal

    Thanks to the 44 people who have shared their experiences of TransFormal in the survey. I’ll be closing the survey on Tuesday – so if you want to make your opinions and suggestions count you have a couple of days left.

    When the survey closes I’ll analyse the data and present some summaries in this thread.

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