Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    25/09/2016 at 11:25 pm in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    August 2016

  • Adrian

    20/09/2016 at 11:19 pm in reply to: Where in the world is it safe to be transgender?

    Catherine, I’m not sure what you mean by “inconclusive”.
    The Wikipedia list of unlawfully killed transgender people has just two entries for Australia – one in 2014 and one this year. The latter may not yet have got into TvT’s database. TvT has also got a homicide in 2008 (Krissy “Lil Romeo” Pye – a Drag King performer). As this murder was during an armed shop robbery I suspect others may not classify it as a trans hate crime.
    So it looks as if the Australian list is not far wide of the mark.
    I don’t think that makes it “inconclusive”?

  • Adrian

    16/08/2016 at 9:56 am in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    July 2016

  • Adrian

    07/08/2016 at 6:41 am in reply to: Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous is transgender

    I’ve been to see the movie – it is great fun and has the most cameo roles I can ever recall seeing – from Kate Moss to Dame Edna.

    And yes it does have very strong GBLTI themes.
    (It seems that having a transgender theme is trendy at the moment)
    But so say any more would be a big spoiler for others.
    So go and see it, and have a great laugh!

  • Liz wrote:
    I wouldn’t trust any government organisation let alone personal information regarding my gender status.

    I might be first up against the wall when the revolution comes – but I’m proud to be transgender and want to be counted. After having lived most of my life in fear I’ve realised that hiding achieves nothing (other than making one a psychological basket case). I don’t know or care what a government department can do with my gender status – but at least when I die I will go knowing that I existed – officially.

  • Joanne_13 wrote:
    Why cant you just tick the gender you identify with when you are completing the census

    Because a large proportion of the transgender community do not identify completely with the concept of having a totally and exclusively male or female gender.

    Granted that those on a a gender journey to become as close to a binary female as they can (commonly referred to as being TS) will want to tick the woman/female box as often as they can. But for the rest of us the male/female gender choice is putting us into a box where we don’t belong.

    The census is a chance for everyone who feels they don’t belong in the boxes to be counted. If enough of the transgender community take the time and effort to tick “outside the box” then it will help others understand how diverse we are as a group.

  • An update…Saturday morning got through to the Census information service (1300214531).
    Selected the on-line inquiries option and got to talk to a real person….
    … who had never heard of the “other” gender option.

    “So you want a paper form?” she says “that’s the only option I can give you”.

    “Oh no” I reply. I have information from the ABS that says there are two ways to get the “other” gender option, and one is to phone you and request a different login.

    A surprised pause the other end. “I’ll put you on hold whilst I bring up the information” – which I interpreted as “Hang on while I rush to find a supervisior who can tell me what this other gender thing is all about”.

    A long silence (no banal on-hold music though).

    Finally she came back. Took my address, and an email address and issued me with a new login code.

    Being of a doubting disposition I wrote down the “receipt number” just in case there is no “other” on the 9th August.

    But this all does beg the question. If I can get an improved form with a new login code… why couldn’t everyone have been given the form? Are they worried that census-haters will all tick other and write rude words as their gender?

    All I can say is with these hurdles in place the statistic of “number of other gender responses” will be a gross under-estimate. This could be a bad thing as well as a good thing.

    So please – let’s educate the census help line staff and all request the alternative form!

  • Adrian

    24/07/2016 at 4:03 am in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    June 2016
    Keeping warm indoors on a very cold night!

    The July Glebe cafe night is on Friday 29th July
    I hope you can join me for our regular Sydney TgR monthly get together in Glebe. Interstate visitors, TgR Members and their guests welcome.

    As a courtesy to the hostess, and to help us select the right sized table we ask that you contact us in advance.
    To reserve a spot for the next cafe night contact me (SMS 0422590598 or message through the web site)

    All the details are here:

    There is a limit of 10 places at this event.

  • Adrian

    24/07/2016 at 3:44 am in reply to: Smoothskin IPL
    Jennett wrote:
    it would conduct the charge as overcome the problem. Jennett

    IPL is either the Indian Premier League – or Intense Pulsed Light – probably the latter!
    So there is no charge to conduct – it works by light.

    As you have to start by shaving as close as you can (to allow the light to get to the roots) – the hair colour will all go as it doesn’t touch the roots.

    The wave lengths used in standard IPL targets the melanin (pigment) in the hair. Since grey, red, white and blonde hair has no melanin, IPL doesn’t work.

    That said I have many beard grey hairs that are dark at the roots when I pluck them. So I presume IPL will work on them. So perhaps the warning should be that it doesn’t work on totally grey/blonde hair.

  • Adrian

    26/06/2016 at 2:29 am in reply to: We have the builders in..what do you want to change?

    When it says error 404…what EXACTLY does the browser URL say at the top of the window?
    If it doesn’t say then try actually going in the front door … to

  • Adrian

    22/06/2016 at 10:57 pm in reply to: We have the builders in..what do you want to change?
    Mahesh wrote:
    It’s a pity to lose live massaging but that’s ok- the quick message works fine.

    Will have to put massages on the wish list :) But till then there is a new chat/messaging system. Look down at the bottom right on a PC browser for the Live Chat slide-up menu. On a mobile phone it appears as a black & white speech bubble icon.
    If you click on the name of someone who is logged in and shown on the live chat list then a private 1:1 IM window opens. If you click on Public Chatroom then a room opens up for group chat.

    Mahesh wrote:
    Also the postcode/map search seems to have gone but again that’s not a buggies.

    It got lost in all the reconfiguring for the new site… I’ve put it back on the user lists now. But don’t miss the new member map on the members page. It is a great improvement on the last one – even if some of the members with 234X type postcodes plot in bizarre places…I may have to change the X to 0!

  • Adrian

    21/06/2016 at 7:35 am in reply to: We have the builders in..what do you want to change?

    The builders have gone…now to find out what they broke!!

  • Adrian

    20/06/2016 at 1:38 am in reply to: We have the builders in..what do you want to change?

    Thanks for the feedback Jordan.

    The “Remember me” cookie is held (by default) for 60 days.
    There isn’t any easy way to modify this – but I’ve edited the core to make it 90 days – this may however get lost the next time the core is upgraded.

    If your login is not “sticking” at present for 2 months the problem may be in your browser clearing the cookies..or switching browsers…so the change will probably have no effect for you.

  • Adrian

    18/06/2016 at 11:51 am in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED

    May 2016

  • Adrian

    31/05/2016 at 8:19 am in reply to: 2016 Transformal

    Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts about TransFormal 2016 in the survey.

    This year I heard from 47 guests – just about 50%.
    As you can see from the graph below, I get more responses from those who stayed the weekend. But in terms of growing TransFormal the opinions of those who came for the weekend are probably more valuable.

    Regardless of how long guests were able to enjoy TransFormal they all enjoyed the event rating it “Excellent” or “Good”. The Excellent percentage (89%) is significantly improved from TransFormal 2015 (76%).

    Over a quarter of the responses to the survey came from people who had attended their first TransFormal. The experiences of these first-timers is always of particular interest.

    36 of the responses came from people who stayed in the Carrington Hotel. And 32 rated their accommodation “Excellent”.

    Once again the Saturday night formal rated highly for the venue and the food served.

    Our ‘resident’ band playing for the 4th time was enjoyed by nearly 90% of the guests. Although some responses pointed to the need for a “new band” this wasn’t borne out by the survey. Big Radio Dynamite remains better regarded than the three bands we tried before engaging them.

    The Friday 1920’s reception was a new concept this year and appears to be well liked. The theme was also warmly embraced with over half the guests dressing to the 1920’s style.
    We delivered nine workshops on Saturday this year. They were generally rated as being “Excellent” or “Good”. I will pass the detailed feedback on to individual presenters.

    Finally, the guests with a Full Weekend ticket were able to enjoy Grand High Tea and the Perfect Pool Party on Sunday. The graph below shows that these additions to the weekend program were widely enjoyed.

    Of course the real value in running the survey is to hear your suggestions for how the event could be improved. Each year I try to incorporate as many suggestions as I can. And the survey this year gave me plenty to think about when we start planning again next year.

    So that wraps up TransFormal 2016 for me.

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