Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    24/05/2012 at 10:22 am in reply to: Sonya 1st Warning

    Sonya has been given a first warning under the TransGender Radio (TgR) Acceptable Conduct Policy.

    This decision has been made on the basis of the comments made by others in the originating thread

    The warning is for unacceptable posting.
    The original posting will be removed soon when the TransFormal folder is archived.

  • Adrian

    24/05/2012 at 5:00 am in reply to: 2011 TgR Survey Feedback

    After a successful (I think) launch of the survey results last weekend I’m putting together a place on the web for the report to rest. This is to allow others to reference the report with a simple URL.

    If all goes to plan the report will be on-line for everyone to read late next week.

  • Adrian

    24/05/2012 at 4:00 am in reply to: testosterone blockers – what are the effects?


    Please note that this thread asks specifically about testosterone blockers. There is already a thread that has talked about the effects of oestrogen.

    TgR is not a medical forum and any comments you may read in TgR forums are only the opinions of the member posting. You should not assume that a posting on TgR implies any verification or independent review and whilst the advice is honestly offered it is made without knowledge of your particular medical conditions. You should always seek professional medical advice before taking any action that might affect your health.

  • Adrian

    23/05/2012 at 6:59 am in reply to: QLD Transgender Sistergirl & Gender Diverse conference
    I know you were only joking Amanda, but the other surgeon is Dr Ceber – who does most if not all of Australia’s SRS surgery.

    Yes i was being flippant…I’m sure the subject area is riveting for some.
    But I guess you can understand why for me, where i sit on the gender spectrum, a few hours of practical gynecology after toast and tea isn’t how I usually choose start the day.

  • Adrian

    23/05/2012 at 2:25 am in reply to: QLD Transgender Sistergirl & Gender Diverse conference

    Here is the link.. to cut Google out of the loop.

    I’m seriously thinking of going… mindful that with the recent budget cuts in QLD this might be the last time this is so affordable.

    But if I do go it will also be because Megan is looking for some sunshine :-) So I won’t be traveling alone.

    Looking at the program I think any decision of mine will have to wait till the abstract sessions are announced. Quite honestly leaving breakfast for a session on surgical techniques by some guy from Thailand isn’t the way I normally like to start my day :-) If it looks like the conference has a focus on gender diversity and not on medical/surgical/sex options then I will be attracted. hard to tell at the moment.

  • Adrian

    22/05/2012 at 8:04 am in reply to: A thread for those who just don’t get the message

    I take your offer to disagree.

    It is clear that a number of people have taken in their mind over the last week to try and redefine what TransFormal was to suit their own personal needs and agenda. I’m am sad that it has included a couple of people i would have rated as my friends, including you.

    TransFormal was my personal offering to the community, a mountain that I scaled for others. The hundreds of choices I took were my choices, and only for me to take. It is clear to me that a vast number of people found TransFormal, the way I organised it and defined it, to be valuable.
    So I have no intention of organising a different way just to suit a minority who complain from the back row or, in this case, from outside the door.

    Personally I find the attacks on my decisions last Thursday, and the continuation today which you choose to support totally hurtful. It is not for you in acres of words to tell me they are not attacks. I am hurt, and they are attacks. If you want that idealised freedom of speech to say just what you want without considering my feelings, then you are in the wrong forum.

    It would be incorrect for me to pull the plug on TgR and organising events just because a few selfish people want to have things their way and are determined to have things their way. But I can’t justify the hours of my life TgR and TransFormal take, if it just provides a platform for you and others to take pot-shots at me.

    So that leaves just one option.
    After Katoomba I am re-charged with a need to help achieve positive change for the gender diverse. But I want to go forward without being dragged backwards by petty division and internal sabotage of the sort that is going on at the moment.

    It is time for anyone who wants to go away and do a better TransFormal, or run a better web site to do that. Hit the goodbye button NOW.

    But if you stay on this site I expect you to support me, to be constructive, and to share in a vision of putting something back into our community.

    I believe we can achieve far more for gender diversity without the distraction of destructive division within TgR seeded by a very few.

    Harsh words I know, but they reflect my deep frustration with being dragged down into depression by your sheer thoughtlessness.

    So I don’t think I can put the choice any simpler than that.

    I’ve moved this out of the TransFormal feedback…

  • Adrian

    22/05/2012 at 4:55 am in reply to: A thread for those who just don’t get the message
    So why are the photos limited to the attendees?

    Pretty obviously because with over 1200 pictures taken that I know of I cannot guarantee that people will not accidentally be outed. Funny how the same people who want to take the moral high ground about being filmed are the same who want to critisise me when I try to protect others.

    particularly from an administor so concerned with the welfare and integrity of the TR community to allow filming that no one was advised of before purchase of tickets?

    As you weren’t present you cannot be aware as how far from reality your complaint actually is. I wonder how you even independently formed such an opinion.

    I naively thought this was an ‘open event for the benefit of the community at large’ or so says the political argument –

    That’s not my political argument – I’ve never written anything like that, and it certainly wasn’t the reason people bought tickets. if it is your take on the world then you are again mistaken.

    TransFormal is a private event I run – it says so in the terms and conditions of ticket purchase. TgR is a privately owned and maintained web site.

    I’m a real person just like you, so I have no hesitation in excluding anyone who cannot respect my feelings, respect the hours I put in for the community, and who would rather tear down what i do rather than construct anything worthwhile themselves.

    I strongly suggest you review objectively your positions, and certainly refrain from posting anything else intended just to attack me.

  • Adrian

    17/05/2012 at 11:00 am in reply to: Filming at TransFormal
    Amanda, is there a full list of where and when the film crew will be doing their filming, so those who do not want to be filmed, can know where NOT to be.

    Jenifur Charne

    I think the posts above make it quite clear there is no need to avoid anyone who is taking official photographs at transformal. I’m assuming you have read the photography policy by now – its also been on the web for the last 3 years. I cannot say the same for all the other budding photographers, but I hope they too respect the privacy of others.

    A very few people, including yourself, have blown this issue totally out of proportion today, and I can only assume that there are other issues involved. I’m gratified that very many others have seen to support me, or at least trust me. Including I might add Fay.

    If I felt there were any substantive issues at stake here I would not have made the decision I made yesterday.

    I have to pack the boxes for tomorrow, and think it would be better if people now reflect on the content of this thread, rather than posting expecting me to respond.

  • Adrian

    17/05/2012 at 2:51 am in reply to: Filming at TransFormal

    Thanks for your considered response.

    You wrote:

    I would ask the students to restrict the Katoomba references if they have not already planned to.

    Perhaps this is something for those being interviewed to bear in mind, as what is said cannot easily be unsaid in the editing.

    Avoiding putting stress on Katoomba or The Carrington in what you say and talk instead about TransFormal. Though as you say…its hard to hide a place as unique as The Carrington!

    I certainly don’t want a surge in ticket sales for all the wrong reasons if we run the event again.

    But I would love a surge for all the right reasons.

  • Adrian

    17/05/2012 at 1:04 am in reply to: Filming at TransFormal

    Gina has been reading this thread and has emailed me to say:

    I’ve seen the forum comments too – I really don’t want to worry anyone. And I feel bad that it would negatively impact on their experiences on this weekend.

    I want people to understand that we will most definitely only air the program on free-to-air if it is approved by you and if you feel it needs to be edited then we will respect those wishes.

  • Adrian

    17/05/2012 at 12:09 am in reply to: Filming at TransFormal

    In conclusion,

    For the last two years I have implemented the published photograph policy after transFormal. I have reviewed all photos (and video) that is sent to me for distribution. And I have removed any material that could identify someone who has requested privacy. I have also acted quickly on any requests I receive from guests.

    I will be doing exactly the same this year, both in regard to photographs I am sent, and also with regard to the documentary. My assumption is that everyone, unless they volunteer to be interviewed, has requested privacy on the video. In addition to my proven editorial diligence, I will be providing a link to the finished movie to anyone who is identifiable in the footage (as described in the proposal).

  • Adrian

    16/05/2012 at 10:56 pm in reply to: Filming at TransFormal

    Can I deal with the feedback in one post… I’m very busy today as you might guess.

    By way of general introduction can I point out that at the 2009? Seahorse Ball a similar documentary was being made that included live filming of the pre-dinner drinks. Even though Seahorse is a much more sheltered group than this one, I’m not aware of anyone not turning up, or being accidentally outed due a lack of professionalism by the students. On the contrary I believe the film the resulted was positive both for Seahorse and for our community in general.

    I understand totally that broadcasting free-to-air has wider implications for all of us. I had talked to Gina about the need for a formal release by me before such a thing happen. It didn’t make the letter she sent last night but rest assured I will be ensuring that is the case. It would however be impractical to have a review/release procedure involving all 80+ guests.

    The students are studying TV journalism, and as such have already impressed me by their understanding of how to take footage without identifying people. We have all seen the pictures of “bottoms” on the news!!

    Perhaps the only breach of trust is the trust that I wouldn’t allow anything to happen that would embarass or compromise anyone attending TransFormal.

    Again, I don’t think your comments reflect the proposal that I put in the thread. These students are not proposing to film people “willy-nilly” – they are aware that most of the hotel is a public area, and so they have to avoid any possibility of identifying a member of the public. As they will be avoiding identifying anyone except those who give interviews in their proposal I feel comfortable. I explicitly told Gina that partners have to be considered as members of the public. You may see a shot of Pauline’s legs somewhere in the footage…but unless she is very unique I can’t see how that would out her to her friends.

    Whilst I would have preferred to be approached by the students earlier it didn’t happen. However I didn’t post last night a proposal for people to consider, I was trying to inform everyone so they could trust they weren’t heading on a fast train to Channel 9 news.

    I know this will be your first TransFormal, so perhaps you are not aware of the vast amount of photographs and video taken by guests, a lot of which ends up on the internet. That is why we have had a photography policy in place for the last 3 years. The filming, is official TransFormal material, and as such is subject to the strict conditions in the photography policy. Conditions that you should be aware cannot be enforced on others at the event.

    Finally, can I give a big thank you to all those who responded last night by offering to be interviewed. Without such volunteers the movie will literally be of a “faceless” cult…something that I don’t think is the message we want to put forward!

  • Adrian

    15/05/2012 at 5:12 am in reply to: Liberating the term Transitioning
    That’s another $0.02 worth from me![/color]

    For me that was worth more like $20. You are selling your opinions cheap!!

    I was only implying that I wish to achieve change by not using self-centered self-interest tactics characteristic of many TransWarriers. The futility I saw was trying to get a body like the National Centre for Transgender Equality with theirnarrow viewpoints to broaden their outlook.

  • Adrian

    15/05/2012 at 2:25 am in reply to: Liberating the term Transitioning
    Hope I’m not off topic :D

    Not a hope!!!

    The alternative definition you quote is the sort of narrow view of transitioning that I had previously thought was the only definition. I wonder how a group that, I presume, has the aim of equality can write a definition that is so restricting, and so excluding of anyone with a non-binary gender.

    I read that definition and it just says transitioning is a process for people born with one binary sex who want to re-enter society with the other sex. Its based round “legal documents” which as we know at the moment just re-enforce the binary view of the world.

    If I was a trans-activist I would challenge the national centre to rename themselves as the Centre for Transexual Equality or alternatively to embrace definitions that can be applied more widely in our community.
    The latter is what I mean by liberating the terminology.
    You will be relieved to know that I have too many other pleasures in my life to waste time on such a futile campaign!

    That is why I so like the Wikkipedia definition. It empowers me to view my journey as one of transitioning and doesn’t reject me on the grounds the fact that legal documents and surgery aren’t needed for me to express my preferred gender.

  • Adrian

    13/05/2012 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Gender Spectrum and TG Scales
    Like anything in our lives scales only represent who we are at any particular time.

    I totally agree. I quoted a definition of transitioning in another thread
    This refelceted the fluidity of preferred gender, as for many gender queer/inter-gender people their life can be one long process of redefining their preferred gender.

    I have only proposed the value of a crude gender spectrum to understand oneself at a particular moment in time, and help others to give appropriate advice. Any idea that it will predict the end point of your journey would be unjustified.

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