Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    28/04/2010 at 9:35 am in reply to: Changes to the chat room
    Hi Amanda,
    I was intrigued and had a quick visit today. Are the extra two rooms basically for example two friends to wander out into the kitchen for a chat?

    yes that’s the idea – a replacement for the private chat which didn’t seem to have any element of self-moderation

    I had many useful conversations on pre op and post op sexuality while I was transitioning and I would hope that we would still be able to discuss undoubtably adult topics in an informative / supportive way.

    Discussions about sexuality are just fine by me. I draw the line somewhere about explicit virtual sex, or explicit discussions about sexual preferences. But in fact I don’t want to be the person to draw the line. I’d rather all the bandwidth just gets used to support each other on our often difficult journeys.

    P.S And I should say that I’m quite prepared to be labelled as a prude by those whose transgender yearnings are totally below the waist.

  • Adrian

    28/04/2010 at 2:24 am in reply to: Changes to the chat room
    I am having a blonde moment and cannot see a drop down menu.

    Don’t panic about your hair colour June – the chat room isn’t exactly designed to make these things obvious!

    To enter one of the other rooms:
    Look at the top of the chat screen, above where you see all the chat text, and there is a blue box to the right of the word Room:
    This is a pull down list (now there is more than one room) and when you select a new room …. woooosh off you fly there.

    To invite someone else to join you in another room.
    Go to the room as above.
    Then on the list with the pictures you will find that the people in the Radio Studio have dissapeared and now the room you are in is shown.
    BUT to the left of the words “Radio Studio” in the picture list you will see a little yellow square. Click on the yellow square and the main room will open up and see everyone.
    Now click on the person you want to talk with (like you used to select Private Chat) but click on Invite.
    If they accept your invitation they will be transported into your room to join you.

  • Adrian

    27/04/2010 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Changes to the chat room

    As expected a few people are quite vocal in their opposition to the changes. But it may be the same people who have pushed me to taking some action.

    Why does it matter what happens in private chat – what business is it of the admin?

    Well it boils down to the fundamental question of what the site is here for.
    Are we trying to encourage an outlet for closeted people to fantasise and create a virtual persona, or are we trying to enhance the life, position and image of transgenders in society.
    Personally, I’m only interested in supporting girls in their journey into, and in, society. I find it quite worrying to feel that I might be providing for some the comfort that would encourage them not to develop and blossom.

    Is it a big enough problem to need to worry about it?
    Probably not on its own, but it is also coupled with the rise in members having ‘unnecessary’ information in their profiles.
    I feel I need to do something to just nudge the group back in the direction I believe in.
    Sadly, in groups of this nature they don’t do that of their own accord.

    And the final question I see asked.
    Why not just kill the profiles of anyone who crosses the line?
    Well because that would put me and other moderators in the position of judge.
    We would have to read the PM chat logs and decide on what details in a profile made someone a less desirable member of our community. I for one, don’t want to go there. I believe that there is a transgender continuum and one cannot, and should not assume, that someone who currently sees their transgenderism in terms of wearing underwear and virtual sex, may not discover they have a more substantial journey to undertake over time. I don’t want to deny anyone the chance to take that journey.

    A long post – but one final point. As always when we make change because of a few, the innocent suffer. There are those who have used the chat PM effectively for one-on-one support. Although the new chat rooms are quite private (till someone else joins) I will be giving PM rights to moderators and those who have demonstrated over the years that they are working to enhance and improve our community.

  • Adrian

    27/04/2010 at 10:31 pm in reply to: chat – where is my file transfer?

    If you can’t find the file it probably wasn’t sent.
    Just like with pictures there is a limit of how big a file can be sent up to our servers as the transfer actually costs us money.

  • Adrian

    24/04/2010 at 12:13 am in reply to: sex change


    A warning to anyone reading this thread.
    The opinions posted here are just that, opinions.
    You should always validate them with other professional medical advice.
    NEVER take medical action on the basis of a forum post!
  • Adrian

    22/04/2010 at 12:02 pm in reply to: NSW – Glebe Cafe Night – SUPERCEEDED


    Most of the streets near the cafe have parking meters.
    Parking in the Broadway Shopping centre behind the cafe is free for the first 2 hours (and $10(?) for the next hour!)


  • Adrian

    18/04/2010 at 11:33 am in reply to: Searching Location by Post Code……?

    Simple answer …. NO

    Longer answer …. not bloodly likley

    Very long answer …. I just don’t have the time to code all the new pages it would need – just for a few people who think it would suit them.

    Sorry – but those are the answers!

  • Adrian

    04/04/2010 at 12:00 am in reply to: Searching Location by Post Code……?
    Good ole google has placed 3 others and i out in the bush.

    The reason Google puts people with a Gosford postcode out in the bush is because if you look at the geographic limits of the post code you will find that Google has it correct. It doesn’t weight the “center” of the postcode by the number of people living in each sq km of the postcode – it just computes the mid point – and in Gosford’s case it is in the bush.

    a) all the girls shown near you by Google are in the same postcode
    b) who is to say that some girls with Gosford postcodes don’t actually live in the bush
    c) in areas with large postcodes searching for girls with yours, and your neighbouring postcodes might be a practical way of finding members nearby….BUT the vast majority of TR members live in small post codes which don’t have a simple relationship to each other. And so the sort is next to useless

    Conclusion – you can’t please everyone all the time – and the Google maps do look impressive (IMHO). And no, we won’t be doing a straight numerical sort of the post codes again.

  • Adrian

    31/03/2010 at 6:36 am in reply to: Telling your partner about the secret life
    My partner and I will be going to transformal at Katoomba in May. It has been quite good for my partner to meet other girls in the transgender community to get an understanding of what I am going through and how I feel. And going to events like this helps bridge the gap for her and to talk to other partners.

    A good point Penny. We are planning a partners only lunch on the Sunday of TransFormal so the girls can freely chat about their life as T-Girl widows.
    So I do encourage anyone who can, to bring their partners to Katoomba.

  • Adrian

    09/03/2010 at 10:49 pm in reply to: Going out will my identity be seen and found out?
    Just as a suggestion its probably better if you can organise a friend to go with you to the taxi if possible.

    Funnily enough this can be a good or bad thing – depending if your friend is another T-girl.
    Going out with another Tgirl (or maybe a few dozen – hey I hope you are buying a ticket to TransFormal in may!!) is a great way to overcome those first-time nerves
    But going out with someone you know in your male persona (like a partner/girl friend) is in fact likely to increase the chance of you being recognised – because whilst someone won’t recognise you they will see your friend and ask themselves who is the person with them.

  • Adrian

    27/02/2010 at 10:36 pm in reply to: Makeup irritating eyes

    Try this

    Best Answer – Chosen by Asker
    your eyes are sensitive to makeup. don’t worry i have it too.
    try some hypoallergenic makeup! it is especially designed for sensitive
    eyes. = ]
  • Adrian

    04/02/2010 at 5:03 am in reply to: Flying Domestic

    I’m sure this has been discussed somewhere before – but maybe it was in the transient environment of the chat room.
    I’ve flown interstate 3 times – always on one of the budget airlines (Jetstar or Virgin). As long as you dress appropriately it isn’t a big deal (so many of the T-girl challenges turn out this way!).
    The worst that happens is that at baggage check or when boarding someone calls me by my male name – cos that is what my drivers licence says and is what name the flight is booked under. So you can hardly blame them for using it! But if you smile and acknowledge your name no one cares.

    Just one point – when you get off the flight don’t jump in the first ladies you come to – the queues can be long and you probably aren’t looking your best after the flight!

  • Adrian

    02/02/2010 at 6:49 am in reply to: Proposal for new event – transFormal 2010 May Katoomba

    A big thank you :cheers: to the 60 girls who gave feedback on the suggestion for transFormal 2010.
    It doesn’t matter whether you voted yes, no, or maybe (and I don’t know how you voted) you shared your views.
    You are collectively to thank for the end result which is……

    :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
    transFormal 2010 will go ahead

    :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

    As a reward for your help you will be offered a discounted ticket price.
    And I will be contacting you soon with a questionnaire to allow you to make your input into the next stage of planning.

    To all those who didn’t vote – I hope you will come to realise that transFormal is an event not to be missed – and will join in the rush to buy tickets.

    I’m closing this thread now as the event is no longer on the flag pole. I have created an event posting but in a few days I will publish a dedicated web site with all the details,
    And shortly after the tickets and accommodation will go on sale.

    Thank you once again for your support!
    I’m still facing a financial risk in arranging this and so please continue your support right through to the transFormal weekend!


  • Adrian

    01/02/2010 at 4:19 am in reply to: ipnone

    Its all politics

    I personally think Adobe is a good company – like their products and don’t like the big guys trying to derail a good concept like Flash.

    My 2cents worth!

  • Adrian

    31/01/2010 at 9:26 am in reply to: Proposal for new event – transFormal 2010 May Katoomba
    I would be prepared to share accommodation and would be interested in any pre or post function activities such as shopping and sightseeing.

    I’m nearly there on the numbers to go ahead – just a couple more definite attendees before Tuesday would clinch the issue and as long as a the hotel plays ball we will be going ahead.

    I will be investigating how many rooms are available with two single beds – as I know this will be a popular option. I won’t be doing match-making though so when the rooms go on sale you will be able to use the forums to pair-up with one person paying the hotel (or me) for the room.

    I would hope that the pre and post activities will make the weekend – otherwise it would just be a meal, dance, and chance to dress to impress! So I’ll be looking for people and/or commercial sponsors to organise events both in the hotel, and also about town. More about that when we get over the hurdle of lining up the hotel.

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