Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    30/05/2010 at 1:02 am in reply to: Changes to the chat room

    A month later and I think I’ll declare the trial over.
    And we will stick with the current chat room for a while.

    Those who told me in no uncertain terms that my actions would destroy the chat room have been shown to have been exaggerating to say the least.
    Those who now have PM privs are using it responsibly, and the main room now has more substantial content now, rather than just the “hi, Bye, and vapour-ware” chat it was degenerating to.

    And to cap that off there has actually been an increase in the number of members using the chat room this month – 153 at the last count.

    I’m sure some conversations have been lost to MSN and other sites – but on balance that is a loss I am comfortable with.

    Thank you to everyone for allowing TR to change!

  • Adrian

    29/05/2010 at 4:51 am in reply to: Labels.. do we need them, should we have common definitions?

    Firstly thank you everyone for having such an intelligent discussion on this potentially emotionally loaded topic. I do think it is good for the community to talk these things through.

    It is a excellent distinction that Muffin has made about the difference between labels used within the community, and those used without.

    Labels within:
    I think my caution to this topic stems from the inappropriate use of labels within. We should all understand how diverse our community is, and be cautious of any label that has too narrow a definition, or which attempts to link sexuality with gender. The narrow labels just lead to hurtful things being said and fragmentation of the community.

    In this space I like to see definitions that stick totally to the issue of gender, and the list that Virginia has referenced from the NCTE does seem to be a clean and considered starting point.

    My only minor concern is the NCTE definition of transexual which looks for the difference between a binary observation (assigned sex at birth) with something that is arguably a continuum (gender identity). But this is a quibble that only makes sense to discuss within the community (and to someone who likes the finer points of logic/maths).

    Labels without:
    When we move to the labels used outside our community this is a much less clear – as Muffin says – their education level on the topic is like that of a child at the moment. Someone wrote earlier that the general public categorise us as DQ, CD, TV or TS. Whilst i agree they generally understand what a drag queen is (and we are not!) they certainly don’t distinguish CD from TV , and only associate TS with well publicised individuals who are post-op.

    I agree that we all have need from time to time for a label that can be grasped by the public but which provides the right message.

    Into this space comes the community do-gooders who come up with a term “trans” that no one in the general public understands, and which isn’t even grammatically sound. I’m certainly never going to be trans (trans what?). Trans is NOT the message we are looking for.

    My feeling is that because gender is the issue that binds the community – the word the public is taught to associate with us must have gender in it. How can we expect to educate the public that the issue faced by a transexual is their gender identity not who and how they want to have sex? It might be the word the medicos coined years ago – but that doesn’t make them any more right than the treatments they came up with to cure the “desease”.

    So I come back every time to transgender – a word originally coined to describe what others are now starting to call pre-op transexuals. And anyhow – isn’t a post-op transexual just a woman? We don’t need a label for that!

    And transgender is word that, to the general public says exactly what we are trying to tell them.

  • Adrian

    27/05/2010 at 10:02 am in reply to: ATTENTION ALL HOTMAIL USERS

    And just as suddenly as it occurred – it goes away.
    Thank you Microsoft!
    What a quality provider!

    Girls you can relax till they stuff up next time!

  • Adrian

    27/05/2010 at 9:34 am in reply to: transvestic fetishism

    As a general rule I find attempts to give names to parts of the Transgender spectrum are rarely helpful. Whilst we are are entitled to our own views to help understand the sometimes confusing world we live in, it is a fact that there are many competing and possibly equally valid models that you could apply to the community. So promoting any one model does generate conflict and discomfort.

    That said, the classification proposed by Shells is somewhat unusual because it classifies drag queens as transgender. And it provides no hope for anyone who is not in it for sexual pleasure, but who doesn’t want to have surgery.

    From past experience such classifications are pretty divisive in TR and provoke people into flame wars. If you want to discuss this then please start a new thread, because that is not what V was talking about.
    But if you do start a new thread then be VERY CAREFUL how and what you say. (Moderator is watching!)


  • Adrian

    26/05/2010 at 7:03 am in reply to: transvestic fetishism
    having been diagnosed as gender dysphoria and as such not aroused by the wearing of fem items of clothing

    The implication here being that someone with gender dysphoria cannot be aroused by the wearing of female clothes at any stage in their life?

    If so that would be a sweeping statement worthy of some research to confirm it. Wouldn’t the COGIATI test (which does have a question on clothing) just use the answer to one question to sort out the fetishists from the transgenders?

    On the other hand, if it were not true, even for some small percentage of the population, is it appropriate to make the distinctions exclusive. This I believe was Virginia’s original question.

    And to make things more complex – if we subscribe to the view that gender dysphoria is an issue concerning gender and not sexuality;
    and that the two dimensions are basically unrelated.
    Then why can’t we have people with gender dysphoria (on the gender axis), who are also sexual deviants (on the sexual axis).
    Now we are starting to pry into people bedrooms and closets!

  • Adrian

    25/05/2010 at 9:39 am in reply to: ATTENTION ALL HOTMAIL USERS

    Someone said…..

    amanda has issues with hotmail I was not aware of and she taken of my reputation points with no warning

    I have no problem with hotmail – if the people who use hotmail could stop labelling their digests as spam.

    The fact that hotmail has blocked the digests is not something I could give anyone any warning about – because I haven’;t been marking them as spam.

    Please understand it is not my choice of what email provider you use.
    But if you choose one that does not reliably receive the digests – then your TR reputation will be inhibited.

    This doesn’t mean you cant receive emails – so please do not bother writing to tell me that you have checked your email and it works.
    The fact is that email from doesn’t get through, and till it does I have no way of telling the web site you have a valid email.

    On a positive note
    IF you receive a digest through a hotmail account
    AND your email is marked as bad (zero reputation)
    THEN let me know and I’ll reset the system to see if hotmail has come to its senses.

  • Adrian

    25/05/2010 at 7:56 am in reply to: ATTENTION ALL HOTMAIL USERS

    I’ve checked the IP address used to send our emails

    And there is no black listed for it.

    So my (amateur) guess this is just a hotmail/Windows Live block again.

  • Adrian

    25/05/2010 at 7:38 am in reply to: ATTENTION ALL HOTMAIL USERS

    Looks like they have done it again.

    Last time I think it was because some anti-social members were classifying their digest emails from TR as spam/junk – and so hotmail decided they must be spam. I changed the email address used and the problem went away. But I’m not doing all that again.

    Not sure what it is this time….but the website is getting back an error saying…

    Last error was: : Connected to but sender was rejected. Remote host said: 550 SC-001 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems.

    Perhaps its time for you hotmail girls to get a half-decent free email supplier!

    Thanks hotmail!

    (Shells if you read this perhaps you could shed some light on the issue?)

  • Adrian

    24/05/2010 at 2:16 am in reply to: transvestic fetishism
    thoughts on this, anyone, especially the statement *Occurrence of transvestic fetishism is uncorrelated to occurrence of gender identity disorder*?

    Hey – I wish I could get intellectually engaged like that on Monday morning! What do you have for breakfast V?

    But more seriously…I disagree. I think the statement should have read
    “Occurrence of transvestic fetishism is not necessarily related to occurrence of gender identity disorder”.

    I have always argued for the admission of people who associate with transvestic fetishism (though they would never use that term!) to Trannyradio.
    Why? Because I believe the discovery of a gender identity issue can often first manifest in a sexual context. It certainly did for me when I was 18.

    Building a wall between fetish crossdressers and transgenders is a dangerous thing.
    Although an individual’s Transgender journey may appear to start in a fetish, that doesn’t mean they should have to leap some sort of hurdle to join the land of the “real transgenders”.

    Our journey is hard enough without self inflicted barriers.

    That’s my Monday afternoon thought!

  • Adrian

    06/05/2010 at 4:18 am in reply to: Changes to the chat room
    I’ve given away almost 800 points (now I have 150) complimenting and encouraging girls that are new to TR, I thought that’s what the idea of the reputation points werer?

    What a lovely girl you are (as if we didn’t know)
    The fairy godmother has passed by to say “thank you”!

  • Adrian

    04/05/2010 at 11:28 am in reply to: Changes to the chat room

    Well…2 weeks on the entire web site hasn’t collapsed into a black hole just because some people have been encouraged to chat elsewhere.

    The next refinement has now been implemented – and this is the gradual re-introduction of private messaging for those who can be trusted to use it for support and confidential discussions.

    The web site has now been adjusted to give PM privs to anyone who has “”Unquestionable” reputation in the reputation system.

    The trial continues!

  • Adrian

    04/05/2010 at 6:53 am in reply to: How about a web cam enabled chat room?

    Yep it was a “great” idea… and it was implemented back in 2005 or so.
    Turned out no one used the feature…
    Why.. you can guess… but I expect many girls weren’t planning to look their best when they used the chat room.
    I doubt much has changed, and given the significant cost and complexity of video chat, the chance of me putting it back is virtually zero.

    After all I have enough issues ensuring that the TR bandwidth isn’t hijacked in the text chat room – just think of the problem enforcing some standards of decency on video chat.

    Luckily there are plenty of better video chat rooms for those who feel the need to exhibit themselves in a virtual environment.
    And for now the chat room will just have the still photos to remind everyone that in life we are real people!

  • Adrian

    01/05/2010 at 12:42 pm in reply to: Buying Breast Forms for the first time

    talk to Tanja or david at the BreastFormStore
    They can tell you everything there is to know about forms,
    and sell you some at a good price too

  • Adrian

    30/04/2010 at 3:58 am in reply to: who do you love?
    Help! Help! I’m being admonished! If the rest of the world were more tolerant this would never have happened.

    Who? Why? Are you?


    Maybe you have a persecution complex…. Oooppss we are now way off thread….gets out topic padlock…. oils key !

  • Adrian

    29/04/2010 at 9:34 am in reply to: who do you love?
    This is a topic that it’s hard not to get side-tracked on.

    Too true.

    TR has been around quite a long time – and over that time most of the ‘obvious’ topics have already been discussed.

    Please don’t morph this thread onto the topic of does T belong in GLBT because that is the subject of another long thread here
    There are a number of very good posts in the original thread so please don’t recover the same ground here.

    If in doubt go back and read the original post in a thread and ask “is my post addressing the original topic”.
    Which in this case was more focused (as i read it) on sexual attraction and being accepted regardless of what attracts you. But I could be wrong – have been before !

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