Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    20/04/2019 at 11:28 pm in reply to: Transsexual “Director” disgrace !
    Alli wrote:
    ….How is this appropriate to be anonymously posted?

    The original post only quoted an article that had appeared in ninemsn. The unknown poster did not write the opinion piece. I see no reason to delete the thread.

  • Adrian

    20/04/2019 at 11:17 pm in reply to: Transsexual “Director” disgrace !

    This is a very old thread.
    When it was posted originally the poster was a member and their name was shown.
    Subsequently the member removed their profile.
    This is not the same as going dormant – the member took steps to delete their information from the database.
    With no current data about the member in the database the system cannot display the name of the original poster.
    And removing all the unknown member posts just isn’t feasible given the nature of the forum threads and commenting.

    In most cases I can find the name of the unknown member by searching the member number in past lists of members… but you would have to pay me to spend the time to do that!

  • Adrian

    20/04/2019 at 10:51 am in reply to: NSW-Glebe Night

    A polite request.
    Can posters in the TgR forums please remember that most posts are sent out to all members in the digest emails. This is NOT just another facebook clone.

    I’m sure that few of the TgR members are particularly interested in knowing who is NOT coming to an event. How boring the forum would be if every time a few hundred members each posted their intentions to miss an unmissable happening?

    I also suspect that not many more are interested in knowing who is coming to an event. Such communications of little general interest should be made by private messaging, emails or if you are technically challenged by a phone call.

    So please no more posts telling the world you aren’t going to do something.

    If on the other hand you have done something interesting – please tell us all about it!

  • Adrian

    17/04/2019 at 11:46 pm in reply to: TransFusion 2019

    End of the Wharf bar is slated to open when the wharf redevelopment is complete – and that according to their website is 2020. As a senior member (who isn’t round here?) I would prefer somewhere where one can sit down to eat and converse with a group of people. Thinking cap is on!

  • Adrian

    17/04/2019 at 11:13 am in reply to: Seahorse Ball 2019

    From the Seahorse Soc website:

    The 2019 Seahorse Society’s, Return of the Glamour Ball

    Has been Cancelled

    The Seahorse Committee regrets to inform you of this action and apologises to all who have been affected or were planning to attend.

    A major change in circumstances has arisen which has such an impact that holding the Ball on 17th August is no longer tenable.

    A Fleetwood Mac concert at Olympic Park has resulted in hotel rooms being booked out within a wide radius including Parramatta, our preferred central location. Overnight two-person room tariffs at our proposed venue are now approaching $400 and will shortly be unavailable and the situation is similar at other hotels. It was not possible for us to pre-book rooms and provide final numbers when required.

    Without accommodation and even adequate parking being available the Ball cannot go ahead. A change of date has been considered but is not possible.

    The Committee has decided that a cancellation at this early stage is the only option to prevent further inconvenience and financial loss to all concerned.

    Ticket holders will be refunded as soon as possible. Anyone who has already booked flights andor accommodation and who has been unable to receive a full refund should contact the Committee via the website to discuss it.

    We are sorry that this has happened, however the commercial forces which have emerged against us are just too strong.

    The Seahorse Society of NSW Inc.

  • Adrian

    11/04/2019 at 7:56 am in reply to: CRUISE TO NOWHER

    Can you reply by messaging / email please.

  • As Tina corectly observed: This is a mine field.
    I refer to what I wrote in my post (which I gave a lot of thought to).
    People are attacked personally for holding anything other than the ‘accepted view’ on trans children.

    Neither side has any strong evidence they are right – and so they resort to shouting louder and louder. The thread has already started to show the truth in my words.
    There is I think a valid view that the original article is very one-sided in its approach to the topic.
    I look forward to people treating the issue with respect and exploring the alternative positions in a mature way. We might all learn something of value that way.

    But if not.. my finger can just hover on the “lock topic” button.

  • Jenny wrote:
    What a strange outburst by Sara who obviously doesn’t believe Transgenderism exists.

    I find that assumption quite offensive when we are discussing such a complex issue.
    Can we stick to robust debate please and not insult others whose opinions we disagree with.

  • Open discussion about pre-adolescent children who display signs of gender diversity is relatively recent, and the medical treatments proposed even more novel. The rights and wrongs of various alternatives are not clear, and the issue has the potential to be divisive, both within the trans communiuty, and in society as a whole.

    I commend Sara for the courage to voice a perspective on the issue that is not aligned with the opinions in the article about Lottie. Kate McGregor has also taken a divergent viewpoint, and unfortunately has been the victim of hate attacks as a result. This is clearly not an topic which people can discuss in a detached way, as the happiness and gender congruity of an entire generation is at stake.

    Unfortunately a community of adults identifying as gender diverse is probably the least objective forum to discus these complex issues. As adults who have recognised our innate gender later in life, we look back at our childhood and imagine how different life might have been had we been allowed to wear those dresses as a child and been spared from the anguish of adolescence as a male.

    I can accept the premise that some (perhaps many) people who identify as gender diverse later in adult life might have been better medically assisted to develop as girls from childhood. But the gender diverse community is indeed diverse, and I certainly wouldn’t subscribe to a view that all members of TgR should have been given puberty blockers -(that is assuming that they could even have been reliably identified as such when young). Having heard many stories of our childhood experiences I don’t think I could identify who would benefit and who not.

    The reverse premise is the one I have trouble with.
    That all boys who identify as a girls pre-adolescence should be labelled as trans and put in the hands of the medical community for gender ‘management’. I’ve talked to parents of such children (who are generally a lot more concerned about it than Lotie’s parents) and social workers/teachers who find themselves giving guidance to them. The feeling that we ‘need to do something’ is mixed with concern that ‘we might be doing the wrong thing’. I am glad I’m not in their shoes.

    With such life shaping decisions being made with little experience of outcomes I think it is inevitable that some wrong choices are being made. I can’t help but feel that Sara may be close to the mark when she says that

    When- not if- it all falls over, people are going to be running for cover all over the place, and some serious questions should be getting asked.
  • Adrian

    03/04/2019 at 9:09 am in reply to: CRUISE TO NOWHER

    Looks like there will be smooth seas on the way to nowhere…go easy on the seasickness pills!

  • Adrian

    11/03/2019 at 5:31 am in reply to: SBS Program “Butterfly”
    Jenny wrote:
    Puberty blockers have widely used and no long damage demonstrated.

    I’m firmly in the skeptic’s camp when it comes to new ‘miracle’ medical treatments- particularly if they have apparently no side effects.
    Can those who believe there is no potential damage associated with puberty blockers point me to the medical research that underpins their view. I thought this was a relatively recent medical intervention so how do we determine long term outcomes?

  • Adrian

    11/01/2019 at 12:35 am in reply to: Increasing Intolerance?
    Rosemary wrote:
    I suspect the only way to build more tolerance in our community, is to be out and about as the woman within you

    I’m convinced that is what we all should do, as best as our circumstances permit. It is ignorance about us in the community that is our biggest weakness – and every time one has a pleasant chat with someone in public the barriers to acceptance crumble a bit more. Of course you can elect to stay at home, imagine how every social and political trend in the world might negatively affect you, and live in fear. But if you are looking for an excuse to justify staying closeted you won;’t hear it from me.

    We are all little butterflies flapping our wings – it doesn’t make much wind, but it can fan the flames of a bigger change without us being aware.

  • Adrian

    10/01/2019 at 1:30 am in reply to: Increasing Intolerance?
    JaneS wrote:
    I also believe that the USA does have a significant impact on life in Australia, especially when we see so-called conservatives in our political system lauding decisions made by POTUS and organisations like BiNary championing the anti-trans movement in the US as how it should be in Australia.

    A pillar of Australian society is freedom of speech. You might not like what everyone wants to say – but just because you can hear them doesn’t mean they represent any significant body of opinion. People who copy the opinions or actions of others in a different culture will rarely generate any traction – but we have to let them have their say. Better that than find the crackpots walking round with a gun like they do in the USA.

    I observe a lot of awareness and plenty of acceptance in our society. Personally if I’m accepted I don’t care what knowledge that is based on. If people accept me who think I’ve made a life choice or imagine who I jump into bed with, so be it. We are asking people to make a big step in their understanding of us – if they don’t get all the way there what is the problem?

  • Adrian

    10/01/2019 at 12:17 am in reply to: Increasing Intolerance?

    As someone who is out and about all the time in Sydney and travels regularly to less cosmopolitan parts of Australia I see absolutely no evidence that attitudes are hardening against Transgender people. In fact the opposite is true whether you step out in Annadale, Albury, or Adelaide.

    AngelaJade wrote:
    I’ve recently seen a noticeable increase in occasions where the trans topic has come up in conversations. Particularly in scenarios where friends are hanging out and having drinks and discussions can go anywhere.

    This is great thing – and accounts for a phenomenal rise in awareness about people being Transgender. I no longer have to explain to people what I mean when I say I’m trans. And when I do mention the obvious (I’m natal male) I just get smiles not puzzled looks. These days it seems that everyone you talk to knows someone who has come out as Transgender.

    Just because a few bigots are being marginalised and feel they need to assert themselves in no way reflects the attitudes of the general population which is becoming increasingly aware and supportive of us.

    Get on out there and see the real world!

    (And in response to those quoting from the USA – America is a different continent, in a different hemisphere, with vastly different social values, and absolutely no relevance to our life in Australia)

  • Adrian

    08/12/2018 at 6:07 am in reply to: Emma’s SUPER QUIZ

    Time perhaps for a new question for Emma?

    The discussion of birdseed boobs is a perennial best seller – but has been discussed elsewhere in the forums extensively over the years.

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