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I’ve always found that being open and up front with staff when buying either shoes or clothing is without doubt the best policy. Staff are, in the main very helpful and will put themselves out to ensure you have the right purchase and what you buy fits. Oh yes, there is the occassional hidden sneer or total silence when paying, but then they have a problem; it’s not yours. After all sales staff are not idiots, they know the clothes are for you, so why hide. Your money is as good as any, it’s a sale. Good luck.
I watched the ‘Four Corners’ programme and thought it well done. My wife needs to watch it at some time to give her a more realistic perception of the subject. Her mother, a nurse many, many years ago found the intersex condition quite common. Of course their attitude then was somewhat a little different from our current understanding. This sort of programming can only enhance our profile to the general public, but then Four Corners was always a quality programme.
I’m sure everyone would know by now the news from Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) that Australian applicants for a new passport may now select gender by choice, eg. M, F, or X. I assume X could mean androgynous or whatever. This may or will save many awkward moments in some countries. This is a milestone in transgender rights and a further step in the right direction of total acceptance. Hats off to the lobbyists, without them the transgender community would be where we were fifty years ago. It will not affect me, I’m too old, but I personally know others to whom it will benifit. No longer a need for surgery, just a letter from your medical professional (GP) indicating how you prefer to present yourself.
Nurse I. Cureall, may be ordinary, tame in fact but unlikely to ruffle the feathers of the genteel members of the community.
Hi all you girls with type 2 diabetes or early onset diabetes. Very interesting comments on the relationship between testosterone levels and diabetes 2. I’ve never had a T level test but I do have diabetes 2 and it’s a bugger, the side effects that is. I thought ageing was bringing on the boob growth although I knew that even without a test that my T levels were low, it was a natural process and there is no doubt that it is. The opposite is true for women, hence, sometimes the hairy top lip and the thining hair.
Testosterone or no testosterone, avoid D2 at all costs. The worst side effect I have found is the inability to wear heels and any other gorgeous and dainty footwear (because of foot ulcers, the associated and chronic horrendous pain). After that it’s downhill all the way.Hugs to all,
Member07/07/2011 at 7:25 pm in reply to: Are you happy being a man or seriously wanting to be a womanHi folks,
It is quite obvious to me that for every individual there is a different answer to the question ‘are you a crossdresser or wanting to be a woman?’ I’ve posed the same question to myself for more years than I care to remember and that’s a lot of years. I’ve taken the tests to determine what I am, asked the questions to so called experts and still never arrived at a true answer that satisfies me. The Gender Clinic in Melbourne said, transsexual despite having never done much about it. We are influenced by circumstances that present themselves in life, family, job, relatives and friends. That’s a lot of ground. I’ve never transitioned because I value my family above transition. My job (now retired) was vitally important as it provided a living and a reasonable pension. Yes, I’ve thought of transitioning but then procrastinated to the point where it is too late. It’s all in the mind and it’s like Amanda pointed out there are a lot of folk who just want to be themselves. It’s a matter of self acceptance and just where the individual feels comfortable in themselves. There’s no need for labels nor boxes to place people in, just get on with life the best way you can and try to enjoy the ride. What will be will be.
Hugs to all my friends,
Liz -
Personally I think the man was (is) a bloody dork, and the airline equally remiss for allowing such a dork to travel as he presented himself.
Just shows what some folk think. We’re just garbage. McDonalds always sold crap anyway so giving them away permanently is no loss. I question who is the worst McDonalds or the local police in the way this episode has apparently been handled. As I say in some peoples eyes we’re just garbage.
I seriously considered a ‘BO’ four years ago primarily because HRT was definately out due to health reasons. It was sujested by Dr Harte at the Gender Clinic in Melbourne. ‘A bit drastic but achieves the same results as HRT without the side effects’, he said Not quite true. Hot flushes follow, permanent, very minor HRT dose necessary to counteract the flushes. Will need psychiatric report to surgeon before he/she will operate. Not done on through Medicare unless done for essential health reasons. Cost, around $2000, possible less if in day surgery. That’s probably increased quite a lot since I was in the running, and where. You won’t suddenly have a squeaky voice as depicted in classic jokes, but the head hair thickens and thins elswhere.
My research found there were only positive outcomes but you’ll need to psychiatrically prepared. It is major surgery and there is no turning back, they cannot be replaced. One other aspect I believe, the more of the scrotum removed the more expensive the procedure. On the other hand ther will be much less to ‘tuck in’ The penis tends to atrophise somewhat, no more erections etc.
Overall its the next best thing to full SRS and much cheaper. Having said all that, the best, absolute and most important advice should come from your GP and/or surgeon/psychiatrist. Take little, if any advice from the Internet, its mainly rubbish.
Tatiana, if you go ahead I wish you all the best and positive outcomes.Liz
Bugger! I came up with a pink hammer. I know I’m strange.
Hi all,
After 35 years of marriage with all the challenges associated with being trans there is, or what appears to be an understanding. I’m not sure that it’s acceptance, its more ‘if you can’t beat them, then you may as well join them’ Whatever the real reason it really is a relief for me. The greatest stumbling block for me has been fear, or to be more precise, sheer terror. I made a choice some years ago not to go down the transition path because I valued my family more. That was despite the absolute horror of living with the daily inner torment of transgenderism. I continued to live the lie. It was a trade off on my part. I had my chances to take the other path but was too chicken to be without family. Like others I have been down the extreme path of very deep depression and serious suicide attempts. The depression never really goes away. On the lighter side I am now encouraged around TR, CTN and AA and all the activities I am able and choose to attend. She who must be obeyed decided to attend the Transformal, after asking her. She is looking forward to the weekend, and is with me at a forthcoming restaraunt night. All looks rosey on the surface.
It has taken years of torment on both sides, a great many tears and soul searching to be where we are. As my wife said, ‘You appear a lot happier in recent months since joining TR etc’. I am. its’ a relief.
Supportive partners, maybe. I reckon it takes enormous amounts of courage on both sides to be fully accepted. Apologies if I have appeared to ramble, I’m just jotting down my thoughts and some feelings around the subject matter. TR has been a Godsend. The tears are welling up right now.Hugs, Liz
Hi all!
Stockings, pantyhose and tights in winter especially in Canberra, an essential piece of clothing. I like black and better quality primarily because they cover all those unsightly blemishes accumulated over the years of life. No, I couldn’t do without them, and no, I don’t follow fashion, I’m too old for that rubbish. Having said that I love the newer fashion tights.
Member16/03/2011 at 5:51 pm in reply to: TG in the news again- boy becomes girl, this time in EnglandSensationalist story from the media? Why do the media make it such a big deal? I personally don’t think such reporting helps our cause for better understanding and acceptance. I empathise with the subject, but such stories continually generate hatred and carte blanche physical violence as depicted. Then perhaps England is less tolerant than good old Oz. Our acceptance cause is, in my view a slow and insiduous process. And one by one we will be accepted by the vast majority, I hope!
I’ll add my contribution to being stopped by police. I’ve been stopped three times now within the ACT, twice for an RBT and once after someone cut me off, witnessed by the said police. The first time I was almost wetting myself, but then I thought ‘what the hell are they going to do?’
That’s right absolutely nothing, there’s no law anywhere in Australia dictating what or what you may not wear. The youngsters, and they were youngsters were very polite and wished me well and a pleasant day. I have never had any problems with the law, primarily because I have a considerable knowledge of traffic and criminal law. The problem that may be encountered is if your appearance is markedly changed, eg. by a wig. And your appearance is contrary to the driving licence photo. Keep your appearance as close as possible ‘en natural’ An offence may be comitted if your ‘trying to deceive’ for gain or otherwise. There have been a couple of landmark cases of recent years reflecting badly on the police when dealing with transger and trassexual people. Police are well aware they need to cover their bums for their own benifit.
There is nothing worse than a smart arse driver for gettin the back up of police. Let me assure you smart arses are caught out one way or another. There was an old saying, ‘if the right don’t get you, the left one will.’Hugs
Liz -
I guess everyone has some horror tale of shopping. St. Vinnies ladies are usually somewhat ignorant around transgenderism and the like. They can be very forthright. The larger stores, DJ’s, Myers have sales assistants who are basically trained in accepting the purchasing of clothes by crossdressers etc. They’re not stupid, but then it doesn’t really matter, it’s a case of a sale and money. I have always (of latter years) told them the purchases are for me. I have had no problem, in fact once that’s out of the way they can go to extraordinary lengths to helpful.
Heads up and keep going.