Forum Replies Created

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  • Adrian

    16/07/2007 at 9:25 am in reply to: Serious debate

    I’m not sure your complaint is justified – as there are a lot of meaty discussions already in the forum besides the famous religion thread that took on a life of its own.

    What about Crossdressing or seriously wanting to be a woman

    What percentage of men crossdress

    How to tell my wife

    Why are we the way we are?

    Not to mention the topic of little girls

    There is perhaps a pattern to the best serious topics

    Firstly name the topic clearly with what you want to discuss – then people who want to contribute will open the topic and join in.
    (in that context perhaps “A delicate matter” was not a good choice of topic name)

    Secondly ensure that the topic starts with a clear post – people don’t take long reading the first post in a thread to decide if to set it going. Save your theory/treatise to a subsequent post

    Thirdly – don’t provide an excuse for the posts to ramble on into unrelated territory – otherwise the Amanda topic lock will come out!

    Hope this helps…but in the end it does seem to be a pot luck as to whether a topic takes off or not. I too have been disappointed when a post I thought was interesting has just been collectively ignored.
    Probably the only good advice I can give is to ignore this randomness and just carry on posting!


  • Adrian

    11/07/2007 at 9:51 am in reply to: Tasteful photos in public albums, please
    In both these places members still get the voting buttons and it takes two member strikes before the picture is out.
    But all pictures are approved by an admin before they get shown to anyone else – so posting your chick-with-dicks porno hot shots is just a waste of time – unless they are uber-artistic!.

    And before anybody gets hot under the collar about censorship let me just remind members that the voting only removes the picture from public (non-member) view. If two members think that a picture is not suitable to be in the face of anyone visiting the site for the first time – then generally the picture is a bit suspect on inspection.

    One of the constraints of having a site that accepts all transgender girls as members is that we have to be careful not to let our own interpretation of transgender cause offence to others. It is the constraint of being a community that gives rise to rules of behaviour – and I would rather see a few rules than have the site high-jacked one day by some minority, but vocal interest group.

  • Adrian

    11/07/2007 at 9:44 am in reply to: Tasteful photos in public albums, please

    Well at least someone has spotted the changes to the albums.
    But, no Amanda hasn’t really changed the rules.
    Due to some technology hurdles things look a bit different.
    Non-members can no longer access any of the album pages as seen in your profile.
    But they can see the public folder pictures either on the featured girl on the entry page, or by pressing ALbum on the top menu (how many girls spotted that change???)

    In both these places members still get the voting buttons and it takes two member strikes before the picture is out.
    But all pictures are approved by an admin before they get shown to anyone else – so posting your chick-with-dicks porno hot shots is just a waste of time – unless they are uber-artistic!.

  • Adrian

    29/06/2007 at 7:35 am in reply to: Useful Web Link
    There I go again – leaping before I look
    Amanda – Please accept my apologies, I have only just noticed that there is a web links forum

    Relocated 🙄 😉

  • Adrian

    27/06/2007 at 9:24 am in reply to: What other sites do you want to link to from your profile?
    PS Amanda would it be possible to add a butterfly and/or a flower to the emoticons for warm, fuzzy hippy types like me?

    OK – so I went away and read the manual :study:

    It went for a fish on the internet :nemo:

    It was free so we don’t have to wait for Xmas for this one :santa:

    Here is your flower! :flower:

    (Just click on View more emoticons)

  • Adrian

    24/06/2007 at 12:13 am in reply to: profile photo autorun
    Hi all

    I might be blonde, but can someone tell me how to have my pics autorun when someone views my profile, some of you girls have this feature working, i have looked and can’t see what i have to do.

    Hi Jenny,
    I’ve aded a help topic to explain this.
    Look here:

    also how do i show the photo’s as larger pics
    love jenny

    At the moment you do this by placing your mouse over the picture…but there is an upgrade in the pipeline to the albums which will make it much easier to operate (I hope)

  • Adrian

    17/06/2007 at 7:25 am in reply to: Crossdressing, God and Me.

    As Karen has observed the thread has lurched some way off the topic of the original post.
    I have locked the topic to avoid it growing further in unpredictable directions. By all means start a focussed discussion in another thread if you want.

  • Adrian

    18/04/2007 at 9:43 am in reply to: Forum decorum

    To clarify..
    I wasn’t particularly deleting anyone’s posts – but once a thread has gone off on a tangent my only option is to trim it back to where the plot got lost.
    I can however observe that many of the contributions that were made were not on topic or were abusive – but those that were OK, were often guilty by association as they quoted other posts that I felt I had to remove.
    Just stay on topic and constructive and I won’t have any need to intervene again.

  • Adrian

    17/04/2007 at 11:58 am in reply to: Forum decorum

    Whatever venom there might have existed in a thread will probably get culled by the webmistress (and in this instance I think you will find it has)

    The best encouragement I can give to people to follow good etiquette such as Christina proposes is to remove threads that badly loose focus and degenerate into destructive comments. Because I don’t want them seen as models of ‘acceptable’ forum communication for others to copy.

    I believe that the threat of moderation is often more powerful than there actually being any moderation. But occasionally it appears that I have to intervene to make the threat effective.

    Even if this means that I too am at the risk of being labeled a school “MA’AM”


  • Adrian

    17/04/2007 at 10:51 am in reply to: Dressing to pass or dressing to be proud? (CLOSED)

    I have trimmed this topic because
    a) it clearly went off-topic
    b) it started to get personal
    c) there was flaming
    d) it was not in keeping with the constructive tone of the forums at Tranny Radio.

    I appreciate that the trim may have removed some valid opinions but they were interleaved in exchanges that were not entirely constructive.

    I have closed the topic as I believe it was being discussed as if there was proven systematic discrimination in the community yet all Alice described was a discrimination against herself personally.
    These things can get blown up out of proportion and result in the forum degenerating in a way I cannot support.


  • Adrian

    17/02/2007 at 9:58 am in reply to: Wig and robes not enough

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Feb. 14, 2007

    (AP) A male lawyer who appeared in court dressed in women’s clothes as a protest against what he said was New Zealand’s overly-masculine judiciary was suspended Wednesday after being found to be in contempt of court.

    The High Court found Rob Moodie, a 68-year-old, balding man who appeared in court in dresses and toting a handbag, was in contempt for circulating suppressed documents outside the court in one of his cases.

    Moodie officially changed his name to “Miss Alice” as part of his protest against the “old boys network” that he said runs the nation’s judiciary, and was granted an award for the most bizarre conduct by a lawyer in 2006 by London’s The Times newspaper.

    The protest began after a coroner’s inquest largely blamed a farming couple for the collapse of a bridge on their property built by the army.

    Moodie obtained documents apportioning much of the blame for the collapse to faulty wood used by New Zealand Defense Force engineers, and posted the report on the Internet despite a judge’s order it not be distributed.

    The High Court on Wednesday found Moodie guilty of contempt of court, suspended him for three months, fined him and ordered him to pay costs.

    Moodie announced after the ruling he would quit the law altogether, and end his cross-dressing protest because he no longer needed to appear “in a 19th-century Alice in Wonderland environment that allows pomp, self-importance and deference to the court to eclipse the truth.”

  • Adrian

    29/01/2007 at 10:33 am in reply to: Ignoring emails (again)
    …..t why hadn’t I responded to her, etc etc. The point is that when she sent me an email as a GUEST I don’t have her email address to reply.

    I’m confused about these email complaints.

    When you got an email from someone as GUEST did you actually try and reply to it????
    The system is supposed to set up the email so that if you reply to it it goes to the email the GUEST entered.
    So as long as the guest enters a valid email you can reply to it…
    or you should be able to.

    So if anyone thinks they have a GUEST email that they can’t reply to – try hitting REPLY and see what email address comes up. If it isn’t a valid email address then there is nothing I can do because it hasn’t been entered correctly by the guest.

    But if it does come up with a valid address then you can reply. But be warned – replying to a guest in this way will reveal your email address to them. Whereas if you email each other logged in through TgR then your email addresses remain secret.

    In summary – members shouldn’t use the GUEST account to send other members emails because they are forcing the member to reveal their email address if they reply.

    But at this point I don’t have any evidence that the GUEST email system is broken.
    If you think otherwise send me the email with all its headers and I’ll see what I can do.

    Amanda (Webmistress)

  • Adrian

    28/01/2007 at 2:56 am in reply to: 2007 Priscilla on Stage

    Priscilla the Picture

    The girls at Priscilla have drinks with producer.


    A great night out – and a big thanks to Caroline for organising it!

  • Adrian

    29/11/2006 at 6:32 am in reply to: Ignoring emails

    The system is not broken as far as I can see.

    I made some changes to ensure that TgR never gives out your email address…and as far as I can see it does work.

    If someone in TgR sends you an email there is a link in the email like

    If you log into TgR and use the link (as it says in the email) then what you type into the email reply goes back to the originator without giving away your email address.

    However, if someone outside TgR has sent you an email then the text at the start of the email says that the reply address has been set to what the guest typed. In this case replying will reveil your email address to a non-TrannyRadio member – but I guess it is your choice if you want to do that.

    If there is a real problem then do the usual thing and email me the entire email text and tell me why it doesn’t work for you.
    But please don’t just gripe on the forums – because if there is a problem it won’t help me find the cause.

    Amanda (currently in the USA and fixing your problems whilst you sleep!)

  • Adrian

    02/11/2006 at 7:33 am in reply to: Transvestite featured on Andrew Denton

    I’ve capturesd the transcript and photo into the private Tranny News forum – as I’m sure the ABC will delete it in a =month or two.

    Look here

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