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  • Elizabeth

    23/10/2014 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Proposal for 2015 TgR Survey

    An update would certainly be useful if only to view trends during the last three years. We know just how quickly trends change, perhaps a snap shot view on how public awareness and acceptance has changed in those three years.
    We all know who will have the brunt of the work, collating, questioning and producing a final report. If she is willing go for it! Would be nice for an update presentation by Transformal 2015.

  • Elizabeth

    13/10/2014 at 9:06 pm in reply to: gender neutral toilets

    Using disabled toilets is OK, unless you are depriving a genuinely disabled person from using the same. It’s similar to the able bodied parking in disabled parking spots, illegal, immoral and, sorry really a no no.

  • Elizabeth

    13/10/2014 at 8:59 pm in reply to: The challenge of travel

    Brave Amanda. I think that I would have to decide just what I presented as and stick to it.
    Having said that it sounded as a brilliant holiday, enlightening, informative and educational, both ways. The challenge of travel? I suppose if you’re not challenged to some degree, then travel becomes pointless; living permanently in a comfort zone.

    Welcome back.

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  • Elizabeth

    30/09/2014 at 10:44 pm in reply to: 81 Year Old has Reassignment Surgery in UK

    Well, I’ll go to the foot of our stairs, a wrinkly having SRS. I would be too tired, knackered.
    It’s not the SRS it’s the thought of more bloody unnecessary surgery and the complications that go hand in hand with such procedures.
    Ok for the youngsters, but not for us oldies.

  • Elizabeth

    24/08/2014 at 9:01 pm in reply to: Apparent Bucks suicide points up transgender stres

    Suicide, depression, lack of self worth (self esteem), constant fear of ridicule, fear of what other would think should they find out. There’s something wrong with me but I don’t know what to do about it, where and can I get help without being criticized. Why can’t I be myself without all this hullabaloo about being transgender? Who can I talk to about it, my parents wouldn’t understand. All this is making me depressed and physically ill inside; the pain is unbearable. How can I stop the pain; there’s only one way to stop the pain.
    Does this all sound familiar? It does to me, a lifetime of familiarity, from childhood to teenage years and so on to adulthood. This is what suicide is all about, ending the unbearable pain.

    When I read of yet another suicide, a little more of me dies inside. I’ve tried to think of some of tactics we could use to relieve some of the pain and ridicule associated with being transgender. Fro an example, I wrote the other day of brightening my neighbours eyes, sounded somewhat funny, yes, but there is another side to the tale. The stress it imposes on me, can I hold my head high as a result of that encounter? I’m not totally sure.
    Education. Education and continuing support of the trans individual. Education of the general public to eradicate the general misconceptions around transgenderism.

    It’s only a lifestyle choice, give it up.
    They must be gay.
    Their mother wanted a girl (or boy) so much its affected the personality.
    They’ll never be a real woman (or man).
    It’s an illusion, and so on, I’m sure others could think of many more.
    They live in a fantasy world.

    We are all different, there are those individuals who apparently find it so easy to go public in a dress etc. There are those who find being very open en-femme difficult. It all adds to the constant and mounting strain imposed on the individual which could, accumulate resulting into suicidal thoughts and deeds.
    Self acceptance is a wonderful concept, but to some it is just a concept, but never reality. I still struggle with the shame and guilt of being different. Suicide, yes, I’ve been down that road in thoughts and deeds. And after 77 years I still ask WHY?

  • Elizabeth

    22/08/2014 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Apparent Bucks suicide points up transgender stres

    Unfortunately suicide is a fact of life amongst the transgender community, the figure in the original article of 41% would be about the right figure. Personally, I consider such a high rate of suicide a blight on society. I do sometimes wonder if the feelings of derision, alienation, rejection and abandonment stem mainly from within the transgender person own psyche. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying the transgender community doesn’t bear the brunt of derision from some segments of the general community, it does.
    How can we help prevent such suicides within our own community? that is within our own group. I believe that a continuing process of self acceptance is partially the answer. If you feel good about oneself then what other think or project is of little consequence. Holding the head high with confidence (even if forced) works wonders. It’s not the total answer, if there is such a thing, I don’t know. Suicide is a subject that I have for a long time devoted much time and though to, so far I can only help individuals that I come across, then it’s touch and go.
    I would love to come up with the whole answer, but I cannot, the subject is so complicated and involves individual minds which are independent.
    I feel immensely sad when I read of suicides, and not just the suicides of transgender people. To feel so intensely sad, and helpless and alienated from the world to too much to bear.

  • Elizabeth

    18/08/2014 at 5:35 am in reply to: Was this Australia’s first transgender person?

    I doubt if Tremaye was the first transman. He may well have been the first transman to be discovered by the authorities and my immense empathy goes out to him, even though he is no longer with us. As little as fifty years ago open transgenderism would have meant a stint in ‘Cadburys House’ (fruit and nut), believe me, I know.

    Remember Joan of Arc, also a transman, he was barbecued for his troubles. The first? nah!

  • Elizabeth

    01/08/2014 at 10:51 pm in reply to: LGBtqi article

    How many times has the ‘strike out on our own’ tit bit been posted, I’ve lost count. I can’t speak for Australia and New Zealand but only stab at we here country cousins in Canberra.
    AGA founded by Peter Hyndal and company makes our voice heard in the Canberra community however we still cling to the coat tails of the LGBTIQ (whatever). This has been necessary to even make the minority of folk slightly aware of our existence, but along with the rest of the world we are, as a whole making a difference.
    My personal view is softly, softly catchee monkey. In time we will become something of a force with a firm voice, however it will not happen overnight. Just keep pegging away individually, educating the masses that we are human, capable of smiling and being polite to everyone.

  • Elizabeth

    25/07/2014 at 2:09 am in reply to: how tall are we all?

    Height? Used to be 183cm, now down to 180cm due to shrinkage. Weight? never worry too much. One the most gorgeous members I’ve seen is a skyscraper but stunningly beautiful with it.
    What’s inside that counts, not the height or width

  • Elizabeth

    03/07/2014 at 7:07 am in reply to: doubts when out in public

    Do I have doubts when out in public en femme, you bet? I wonder if the thrill of being out in public is part of the general feeling of doubt and dare I say it, fear. I real challenge comes from being able to overcome that intrinsic fear and plough on regardless. Who is watching, are they watching, is the world going to fall on me? Fear and more fear, never ending fear.
    It is said that the more you venture out the less troublesome it becomes. My view, for what it’s worth depends on the individual. The open, fearless type, outgoing appear to have no problems whereas the more timid types (me) need dutch courage or something of that nature.
    I have no problems shopping, at least not now. I guess I have shopped for a long time and my money is as good as any. I bought shoes this morning, shoes that fit properly and are not likely to wreck my feet, they are available, but cost. Clothes, I have loyalty cards at various places and try everything on; never had problems. Do I have doubts? you betcha!

  • Elizabeth

    03/07/2014 at 6:28 am in reply to: What’s in a name?

    Like Sheryl I required a femme name when I joined Seahorse in the mid 80’s. I pondered and procrastinated and ended up with Elizabeth, rather a classic name, the origin I’m unsure of. I did note quite recently that Elizabeth and my birth name of Ellis have the same biblical meaning which I thought interesting. In more recent years Elizabeth has been shortened to Liz which I don’t mind at all. All know me by Liz even spots that was unaware of; quite amazing how your name travels around. :cheer:

  • Elizabeth

    04/06/2014 at 6:33 am in reply to: Transgender Tipping Point

    Michelle from the ACT must watch Koch on Sunrise, Channel 7, noting his anti transgender throw away remarks. Don’t watch Sunrise, switch to Channel 9, I think that they are superior.

  • Good story from Martina and her wig. Nice to see such acceptance from those around us, and I believe such acceptance is increasing especially from businesses who are more than willing to accept our loot. My hairdresser is also very accepting however does charge me the going rate for women, even when dressed in DRAB.
    However, whilst all this acceptance is wonderful, do remember such folk are not emotionally involved (I assume). Emotionally involved folk are a different story, that’s why relationships dissolve rather rapidly when the truth is out there.

  • Elizabeth

    23/05/2014 at 11:58 pm in reply to: Some of my observations regarding being Transgender.

    Whilst I totally agree with Christina on her observations in her well written post, my complete empathy goes out to Jannine. I guess we would (at least many of us) would like to live pretty much full time in femme mode.

    Having adult daughters who endeavour to accept Jannine on the surface but to them she really is still ‘Dad’ is difficult to say the least. I guess most of us are in some way compelled to occasionally dress in drab, mostly to placate relatives or our intrinsic fear of being discovered by unaware friends or relatives. What a dilemma?

    For myself I continue to work on those who don’t totally accept ‘Liz’. Maybe I’ll win out, or then maybe I won’t, but it will not be for the lack of trying.

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