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  • June

    20/03/2009 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Net censorship and its impact on our community

    We really are becoming a nation of wowsers. Next we will be as bad as the seppos and have born again fundamentalist christians telling us what we can do.

    I really think that KRudd is a modern day King Canute, he will not stop the tide.


  • June

    27/02/2009 at 11:43 am in reply to: Is there a wrong way or right way to email your mother?

    Very tender and thoughtful Robyn. Have you thought about a job in the diplomatic service? 😆

    I can see your point of view and under the circumstances the email is probably quite apt.

    You need to live your own life and ultimately others should let go and accept that.



  • June

    21/02/2009 at 3:24 am in reply to: I’m so confused – I dont know what to think of myself

    Hi Carla,

    I think too much is made of the am I gay or am I hetero or even am I bi.

    It doesn’t really matter, those are just names. One is presumably either a male crossdresser, a transgender female in a male body and perhaps other definitions; I don’t want to get in a discussion over that. So what?

    I think you should enjoy sex however it comes, whatever floats your boat as they say, and not worry about tags or names.

    I have considered whether or not I would be less gay for having sex with a man while I was wearing a dress or while wearing drab and in the end couldn’t see it mattered.

    There are enough other things in this world for we CDs and TGs to worry about.



  • June

    07/02/2009 at 6:39 am in reply to: Fame for weighty flyer

    Amanda I think this has the potential to be fairly divisive matter and have refrained from commenting after initially deciding to put in my two penny worth. I think maybe it should be stopped before people get hurt emotionally. It truly is a weight issue rather than a TG matter.


  • June

    15/01/2009 at 5:12 am in reply to: Would I work as a girl?

    I suppose I am in the fortunate position of working from home so I can quite often work as a girl. Accountants more and more are “girls” so I suppose I fit into the modern idea of an accountant.

    It is nice to get beyond the stage where putting on a dress or nice skirt etc was a cause for arousal and now is just something that makes me feel more comfortable.

    The only way I can tear a nail is if I miss a key on the keyboard, and occasionaly getting a paper cut. Gosh they sting. :D

    I even see some of my clients en femme but not that many unfortunately. I am not certain they would understand and I like the money.



  • June

    06/01/2009 at 2:52 am in reply to: 2009 New Years Resolutions

    I am not one for resolutions normally but this year I am resolved to get out more and to meet more CDs. I am also resolved to get make up lessons to improve my look.

    Finally I am going to try to improve my wife’s attitude to my dressing and hopefully get her to be more accepting of my lifestyle choice.

    I won’t give up the beer and red wine; some things are too much to ask! 😆

  • June

    01/01/2009 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Are others happy being a guy but just like to dress up?

    Hi Melisssa,

    Interesting point. I have noticed a lot of the girls I chat to on here seem to be either transitioning or working towards it. Personally I don’t see me as a candidate bit rather like you dressing when I can and when I feel the urge. But I like to talk to them on line as I can relate to what they are doing.

    I must admit I quite often dress, not always fully and do wear panties and nighties every day but I have enough reasons to stay male and to act so for the majority of the time. My interludes en femme are a great relief and ease my stress levels, and my ventures outdoors while few have been exciting and feel good.

    Perhaps if I did not have the reasons and friendships that make transitioning unwanted I may look to get some surgical assistance in my appearance. I am also aware that one should be careful what one wishes for in case it comes true. The actuality of becoming a woman physically may not come up to ones expectations.

    So like you, I will remain male except for those times I can escape into my feminine alter ego.


  • June

    21/12/2008 at 12:22 pm in reply to: AUS: The Breastform Store in AUSTRALIA


    You don’t have to stick them down although I have used it stays which is water soluble. Normally I just have mine in the bra which if it fits properly will hold the forms in place and they won’t fall out.

    Mind you if you do hard physical exercise you may shake them loose.


  • June

    09/12/2008 at 2:03 pm in reply to: Tanning – Not a good idea

    I use Olay moisturiser each morning and since i drive an open car, I use a 30+ sun screen. I have all the wrinkles and sun spots I need and with my pommy skin have no desire to be tanned.

    I also don’t want to get any skin cancers


  • June

    30/11/2008 at 2:32 am in reply to: how do you get out of the house – are you recognised?

    I went out again yesterday, first I dorve to a friend’s home to get makeup assistance wearing everything except my boobs and wig, then home completely en femme. No one noticed and I live in a cul de sac with 5 houses and no privacy at all.

    The out just before dusk with a friend for a picnic on the river foreshore where we sat for a couple of hours eating cheese and dips and drinking a Kanunga Hill Cab Sav. No one hassled us and the people walking by paid no attention. Just two middle aged (OK I am old) ladies out enjoying the cool of the evening. Fantastic fun and feeling.


  • June

    17/11/2008 at 9:02 am in reply to: The feminine voice

    I read once that you should just speak softly and not try to pitch your voice high.

    I have never thought about a “voice”; I suppose I should practice into a recorder and see what I sound like. Probably a species of frog.


  • June

    13/11/2008 at 1:36 pm in reply to: CDs and Engineers

    Yvonne, my best memories of racing were going to the old Caversham Circuit outside of Perth and sitting in my car in the infield at the entrance to the main straight and watching the cars go by about 20 feet away. There was only a post and rail fence between us and the racing.

    Quite exciting but when things moved to Wanneroo (Barbagallo now) you needed a telescope to see the races and it lost its thrill for me so I moved on to rallying.

    But being that close to the racing was marvellous.


  • June

    09/11/2008 at 3:11 am in reply to: CDs and Engineers

    Interesting Amy Jane,

    I used to rally in a small way when younger before family and financial pressures made it necessary to choose what I wanted to do. I still have an interest in motorsport, but honestly the V8 Supercars leave me cold. Rallying thought requires a lot more expertise and is more exciting.

    Mind you the days when you could put a sump guard and spotlights on the mini and a Halda tripmeter on the dash and off for a nights competitive rallying are long gone, perhaps thanfully when I remember being upside down on occassion.

    I have been interested in model cars since the early 60s and still have slot cars from that period. once I get time I intend working more with them.

    So yes Amy, there would be others with similar interests for certain.


  • June

    06/11/2008 at 1:46 pm in reply to: how do you get out of the house – are you recognised?

    Hi, I just made my first venture out dressed to visit another CD friend nearby. My main worry was driving out of the fairly enclosed part of the suburb in my car, a blue MX5 which is fairly unusual and noticeable. I took a deep breath and left with no one seeing me. But once out on the open road I had no problems. Oh what a feeling.

    All I can say is go for it.


  • June

    05/11/2008 at 1:17 pm in reply to: CDs and Engineers

    Interesting, macho careers. So where does that leave your CPA. Is accounting macho, the green ink and ink stains on your clothes, the excitement of a ledger balance.

    Hmm, I will have to change my occupation to something more hairy chested like dressmaking or being an Avon lady.

    Mind you I do make model cars and have a train set somewhere.


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