Forum Replies Created

  • Julia

    09/11/2019 at 9:34 pm in reply to: People Who Are Currently Boring Me To Tears

    The woman from the Trivago Ads… extremely annoying

  • Julia

    10/09/2018 at 12:30 pm in reply to: R.I.P. Jan Muller

    How sad to hear of Jan’s passing. I was fortunate enough to have met her about twelve years ago, and participated in some of the events she organised over the following few years. Jan was always good , lively and intelligent company, although sadly I had not seen or heard from her lately. My condolences to her family. Rest in peace Jan.

  • Julia

    17/01/2017 at 8:31 am in reply to: Getting rid of Greys

    Hi Jessica,

    I had elos when it first was introduced in salons here ( about 2006). They claimed then that it would remove grey hairs, although they later modified their claim to “permanent hair reduction”. I thought it was great on my darker hairs, but unfortunately it was not so effective on the greys and gingers that I was really hoping to get rid of. Maybe I lost 15% of the lighter coloured hair, hard to tell accurately.

    If they have improved the technology significantly to really be effective on grey hair then maybe I would have another go at it, but I certainly wouldn’t fork out $500 or more until they can prove it really works,


  • Julia

    21/09/2016 at 11:52 pm in reply to: The Queen of Ireland

    1984? My memory is not what it was , but wasn’t Hawke still PM then?

  • Julia

    29/05/2016 at 8:31 am in reply to: Miss Transgender UK

    The program is also repeated tonight (Sunday) at 10.58pm on ABC2

  • Julia

    07/12/2014 at 11:44 pm in reply to: Swimming with a wig

    Hi Petra,

    Have you considered wearing a swimming cap? Most wigs are not designed for swimming, so I hate to think of you ruining your wig. Apart from that, maybe a waterproof adhesive, though I would advise extreme caution using such on your head,


  • Julia

    10/10/2012 at 8:45 am in reply to: five o’clock shadow

    Hi Andi,

    Orange is the opposite on the colour spectrum to the dark blue-grey colour that our facial skin seems to take on after shaving. Use a light coat of orange lipstick and it will neutralize the beard colour under normal makeup.

    I believe dermablend will do the same, although I have never used it myself.


  • Julia

    30/09/2012 at 10:34 am in reply to: NSW: Where to get a new wig in Sydney?

    Hi Christine,

    Soho Wigs is close, on Pelican St. They seem to have a large range, I say “seem” because I have only window shopped there. There used to be another wig shop on Oxford St called “Wigs by Vanity”, and “House Of Priscilla” used to sell wigs too. If you want to venture across Hyde Park, then there is “Wig Affair” in Pitt St, and Suzanne’s in Castlereagh St. I’m sure there would be a few more listed in the Yellow Pages.

  • Julia

    25/08/2012 at 1:58 am in reply to: Wig selection

    Hi Suzy,

    I think the best thing to do with wigs is to try them on first. Make an appointment with a wig seller ( there are several listed elsewhere in these forums, and they are all used to tg customers) , ask for their help in choosing a style that suits your face shape and a colour that suits your complexion.

    Other points to consider include when and how long you would be wearing the wig ( all the time, or just occasionally), and the climate of your region; long wigs in hot, humid conditions aren’t much fun after a while.

    Regarding human hair wigs, if they are good quality, they will last as long as any other wig. They do require more care, however. They can also be re-styled and coloured. A good quality acrylic wig can be very realistic, too.

  • Julia

    22/04/2012 at 7:49 am in reply to: Getting the courage to go wig shopping

    Hi Nicole,

    I know I was very shy and extremely nervous before I finally came out. What helped me with buying my first wig that suited me (sfter a couple of mail-order disappointments) was telephoning first, and explaining what I wanted a wig for. The lady on the phone was very understanding, and so I made an appointment and subsequently bought a wig after trying out diferent styles and colours.

  • Julia

    19/01/2011 at 11:35 am in reply to: Where have all the Victorians gone?

    Do you have stats from say, 4 or 5 years ago to compare to the 2010 figures, Amanda? It would be interesting to see if the percentage was around the 14% mark for Victorian members back then, or whether it differs appreciably. If you look at the last 50 members to join TR, only 7 (14% again!) come from Victoria , which is in line with the current percentage.

    I don’t believe that they would be any less gender diverse than any other state either, so maybe they have alternatives to TR that those of us north of the Murray are unaware of?

  • Julia

    04/11/2008 at 3:07 am in reply to: How to remove eye makeup


    I’ve been using Johnson’s Sensitive Skin Facial Wash for years. It’s soap-free, works well on the whole face as well as the eye region, and costs about $7, and if it’s not in your local supermarket then KMart, Target and Priceline all stock it,

    Regards, Julia

  • Julia

    15/06/2021 at 10:10 pm in reply to: NSW-Glebe Night

    Hi Tanya,

    Could I grab that last seat please?


  • Julia

    28/05/2016 at 6:46 am in reply to: 2016 Transformal

    I would like to add echo the previous comments; it was a terrific weekend, Saturday night a wonderful showpiece! Thanks to Amanda, Megan, and all the volunteers who gave up their time to make it such a success.